wowowowowowowow! Do want. You've definitely come up with something pretty unique here. Adding Corpsejack is just INSANE! Never though of that one.
My Modern Senses are tingling. Looks good. I love the Nixilis/Mornsong combo. That's just plain rude!
First, Planeswalkers. I'll be frank in saying that I can't see Ashiok being active all that often. He'd (It?) be better off as a sideboard singleton for really slow matches. Ral Zarek on the other hand is a very good option with his innate burn or manipulation. Could help get rid of some nasty blockers. Following on from that: If this is a Grixis Hand deck, you need more resource denial. If you have access to Liliana Vess, use her in place of Ashiok. Also, try finding room for Thoughtseize and Duress. Lose all Shocks, Turn//Burn and Far//Away for four of each. Your main control condition is not letting your opponent have any playable options, or failing that countering them as they are played. Burn's mainly used going for the face to quicken your win. Remember, as long as your opponent does not have access to their best spells, their entire strategy will eventually fail them. On that note, you might want to consider more Slaughter Games (that card is INSANE!) just to get rid of threats in the deck too. Try to choose between Syncopate OR Dissolve, going at least 3/1 split, 2/2 just doesn't cut it (personal experience talking, may be different for you.) The same applies to Magma Jet/Lightning Strike. I'd favour the Jets for the scry. Two damage is often enough to deal with those small threat that do end up on the board. Again, try to choose between Dreadbore or Hero's Downfall. Sorry if it looks like a complete rebuild of the deck, but if you want Grixis, then you want absolute resource denial. Sure, Grixis is just a name for UBR decks, but you did call it Hand of Grixis, so focus a little more in that department. OVerall though, I like the way you were heading. I've been trying out a similar build, but it just doesn't perform as well in most matches as traditional resource denial builds. That being said, it could all come down to your local meta-game. If burn is more important, then focus on that being your main concept, with control as tempo for the longer game. It's a pretty awesome deck at any rate. Might even give it a whiz myself.Keep up the good work, and good luck with it.
Looks good. I want to play this now. Keep up the good work.
Well, it looks like pretty standard Mono-Black Devotion to me though the Tormentors and Reavers are interesting choices. Can't say I disapprove of it, but for your work this just feels much too meta and doesn't seem to have the flair you usually bring to the party.
Sounds like a solid way to go. Good luck then for this weekend, I hope you go 2-3 at least. It'll be a nice result proving the capabilities of the deck. Might even run a version myself this Friday (well, that or Simic Hydras, depending on the look of the night's meta-game. Jund probably. It's always Jund.)In any case, I wish you luck and success, and just try to have a fun time with it. It's certainly got the potential!
On further review, definitely keep the Suntails. Just their 1-drop Flying potential gives you a huge head start in most games. It'll actually be sad to see the Swiftclaws get the boot. Many a pre-release was one thanks to those little kitties! But they simply don't add anything to the deck. And I'd also like to mention quite bluntly that Seraph of the Masses is just horrid, unplayable junk. There are much better budget option out there, such as good old Serra Angel. Actually, there is one other thhing. When I mentioned Imposing Sovereign as an option, I think I meant Soldier of the Pantheon. There's a deck I run with both with each pulling double duty, so I got confused. Soldier is another solid 1-drop 2/1 white body, which has Proctection from Multicoloured and "Whenever an opponent casts a multicoloured spell, gain 1 life." It could be a fun sideboard option at any rate, but your inclusion of Suntail Hawk is probably the better simply for the amazing evasion on it. Finally, it's really nice to see your current decklist with those few tiny changes. Thank you for adding Serra! She fits so well! It may be an old high-school crush of mine, but Serra is a very pretty little 4/4 flyer in my eyes. Favoured hoplite is also making an appearance which is nice too! How are those two working out specifically. The deck is looking mighty fine and may actually be a competitor in a casual setting. White Weeny Curve all they Way!
Do like. It really seems to have a lot going for it. First Strike and Vigilance seem to be your main protection from more powerful forces, but you might want to try out Protection and Indestructible instead. Ajani's Presence and Gods Willing would be your best bet. Also, if angels are your main attack force, consider running Serra Angel over Seraph of the Masses.Here's what I'd do:-3 Seraph of the Masses-2 Angel of Serenity-4 Suntail Hawk-4 Hopeful Eidolon -1 Prophetic Flamespeaker-4 Oreskos Swiftclaw-3 Rouse the Mob+4 Serra Angel+4 Gods Willing+4 Ajani's Presence+1 Anax and Cymede+1 Resolute Archangel+4 Favoured Hoplite +3 Imposing Sovereign Modify mana base if needed. These are just suggestions, but they should turn a good core into a great one without much increasing the overall cost. At any rate, I really like the direction your going with this one. Aggressive, but with a great defensive potential. Nice job, keep up the good work!
Well, it may not be an outlier, but it's solid. 5/5 for build quality. I would hate playing against this in the current format!
Will do.
Good idea but I haven't found a suitable replacement. Brainstorm Perhaps? Since it's almost a Ponder, yet is still unbanned, it can fill in quite nicely, and help me rig the game in my favor. Lotus Petal is also looking quite nice, but I'd rather get more cycling going. On another note, since this deck can cast instant on instant in rapid succession, it doesn't even nee to resolve the stack in order for it to win. Just worked that out, now I've got to find a way to--Quicken!!! Okay, I think I'll drop the Ideas Unbound set of three in favour of three Brainstorm and the Gitaxian Probes can come out for Quickens.Thanks for the advice and the inspiration. Hope I can help you out sometime, too.Regards, Daarkii
Not bad, I always like a good non-violent way of winning. Pity about the low FTW chance. But wow, once you get it off, my god are we all doomed! Love the concept, seems fairly refined, but I would personally develop a sideboard for use against aggro decks of the same caliber. Keep up the magnificent work.
Okay, taking your advice to heart by filling in those gaps and improving the sheer speed of the deck, it now looks more like a creature-heavy Red Deck Wins. But I LIKE it! Thanks, these suggestions have been a HUGE help. I had just gotten back onto improving this deck when I came across my older version here. Forgot it even existed, actually. But thanks again anyway, you've all been a sure help.
Absolutely, I LOVE my wolves! With that undying to keep them around, they could be very tasty in here. Thanks all!
Alright, with the introduction of Shortcutter into M14, I'm going to look into some things I can do to make this deck just that much more fun to play, thanks all!
Absolutely, I LOVE my wolves! But chances are I'm either dead or the opponent is by the time they come in handy. I'd need to run 4 to make it practical. However, they were the first things I added to my DGM Gruul Intro Pack when I got it. Now it kinda resembles a cross between this and Jund Midrange (without the black.)
On a further note, there is an infinite mill combo by fourth turn revolving around infinite mana. Here are the card and their relevant effects that can make this happen.Undercity Informer: (1), sacrifice a creature. Your opponent "mills" until they "mill" a land card.Burning-Tree Emissary: Add (G) (R) to your mana pool.Angel of Glory's Rise: Return all humans in your graveyard to the battlefield.Fiend Hunter: Exile target creatureNow, basically this is pulled off by fourth turn by FBing a Unburial Rites and targeting the Glory's Rise, given that your dumping spells have been favourable, however slim that may be. Bu returning it to the battlefield, you then must return all of your Humans (Informer, Emissary, Hunter) to the battlefield. As your return them, you add RG to your mana pool and exile the Angel. Then, with the RG, you sacrifice (in this order) Emissary then Hunter to Informer's ability, mill them twice and returning Glory's Rise to the battlefield, ready to repeat the process. Now, that's a truly infinite mana combo with a surefire way to grind. I pulled this off in a sealed event some week ago. (We all bought a box and threw them into the pile to build our 40-card decks. There were eighteen of us, so the amount of goodies we all took home was astonishing.) Let's just say it is really quite funny versus Jund or even my favourite Aristocrats here...
Alright, thanks for the comment, ifonly. You do raise some good points. First of all, Olivia's "bite" isn't supposed to be infinite. As she is an ender in herself, it's those counters she grabs that are truly important. There is no infinite mana combos here (can't seen to find any still in Standard for these colours) but her ability can be used repeatedly until there is no more spare mana, then kick her second effect to steal the creature. Alternatively, you can have 2X spare mana (red Y, of course) an active High Priest, cast a Boros Charm onto your creatures for indestructible until end of turn, then ping my High Priest just to destroy all of my opponent's stuff.Onto your next query, regarding the Reckoner Lifegain. If you have a Reckoner enchanted with Gift of Orzhova, it is possible to attack with it ping it in one way or another, give it indestructible through the charm, then have it ping itself continuously. As it's the Reckoner that doing the pinging, you are gaining the life being pinged (due to Lifelink: Any damage this creature deals causes you to gain that much life) infinitely in theory, as you a simply redirecting all the damage back onto the indestructible Reckoner, triggerring it's ability to cause further damage all over again. At best, you can pull this off by fourth turn by casting Reckoner in third. The result is that the opponent, facing your near-impervious screen of life, will concede and the game is yours.Well, I hope this has helped a bit, and if you have any further questions, feel free to ask away.
@Hydeigon: Cool idea, it may be a little tricky without ramping, and it can result in awful hands, but it would definitely be worth looking into. Door is only really there as a gimmick; it's not really needed, but it can sure be fun. With dragons though, you need to keep it fairly simple to maximize performance. Dragons don't really work with utility very well. They're just beasts with wings after all.
@NinjaStyle612While we are all VERY pleased that you know how to type, for the love of anything that's sacred shut it and get off this site. Sir, you are but comments away from the longest ban in your life. If you would like to say anything in your defense, say it now. Otherwise, steer away from this. You have no right to intentionally insult other members of this site, and by continuing to do so, even after this has been pointed out by more than one corroborating source, you are violating the most basic condition for using this site. Here, I'll even look it up for you: "Be nice, this is not a request, it is a requirement; rudeness will not be tolerated here. Our community is self-moderated, if you start saying nasty things, your comments will simply get downvoted off the page, so don’t bother. Treat people with respect and they will follow suit. If you want people to help you, go and help them first. We are all here for the same reason, let’s do it nicely."That was quoted directly from the Etiquette sub-heading under the FAQ page. This comes straight from the site's creators. If you do not comply with the above, you WILL be reported for harassment. Consider this your only warning. Don't wear the tail, unless you want to be called an ass.
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