its my father in laws' he has black lotuses too he never takes them out of the safe tholol
I held a juzam djinn once
You can't even play phylactery lich take it out and one diregraf ghoul and replace with grave crawlers.
And That Which Was Taken would make it indestructible
Phyrexian unlife is the card that goes with Melira
Try curse of the bloody tome its a great mill card.Its not discard but i think it would work better than wistful thinking as it doesn't give your opponent a draw.
And the spike would work better than collar because if you get the spike out you can reduce your opponent's life to almost nothing very quickly.While yes the Collar gives you AMAZING creature removal the spike gives you better damage against players and if you have mind over matter you can do a OTK with just 6 mana and if you have piracy you can do this on turn 4.A turn 4 kill is pretty good even without creature removal and if its that important for you use isochron scepter or elite arcanist to copy your counter spells or ertai but ertai and isochron are expensive. but elite arcanist gives you infinite counters for cheap.
Mind over Matter
This deck needs mind over matter