@DMFDiablo: That's what Mirror Gallery is for.
Why not get some more mana acceleration? Llanowar Elves might fit here, or Rampant Growth if you don't like elves going with your spiders.
Why not get some more mana acceleration? Llanowar Elves might fit here, or Rampant growth if you don't like elves going with your spiders.
Update: I added Tendrils of Corruption as suggested.
Wow, thanks for all your suggestions. @Big T: Hmm...I am thinking about something to defend myself against aggro. That's why I thought of placing Gatekeeper of Malakir and Fleshbag Marauder. Should I take out Sadistic Sacrament for more removal? Or should I take out some of the cycle creatures? @hipponox: I am thinking of Buried Alive and Entomb but I want to keep it Standard, and on a budget. That means not much uber-expensive cards like Lilliana Vess or Vampire Noctornus. @Deathwitness: As I said, I want to keep it Standard. But thanks for the feedback.
Any suggestions are welcome.