by darkfyre on 29 July 2011

Main Deck (60 cards)

Sideboard (4 cards)

Instants (4)

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Deck Description

Trying to make a tournament worthy deck, please help!

Deck Tags

  • Tournament

Deck at a Glance

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This deck has been viewed 2,950 times.

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Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for KNIGHTS HELP!

Check out my knight deck: White Knight Story. It falls under Legacy and Vintage.

Posted 29 July 2011 at 04:05


i run something like this
you need some day of judgements, and journey to nowheres
gideon makes any white deck 10 times better
and elsepth is good cuz with honour of the pure your making 3 two,two or you can
you should prob have 4 of every creature.
hope that helps

Posted 29 July 2011 at 04:57


I did originally have 4 of each creature but the deck size started to get too large, what would you suggest that I drop? I agree with the judgements, that would be a great addition, and I could prob sub out the Iona's for journeys...less mana to spend on the same ability pretty much.

Posted 29 July 2011 at 05:55


personally i like the leonin skyhunters as they are 2/2 flying for 2 mana great flying deffense also i like Ajani for his -1 ability +1+1 counters and vigilance makes for amazing buff creatures

Posted 29 July 2011 at 05:14


Hey man, good for you! I've been wanting to try to get a knight deck together. Looks ok... Needs a lot of work but I'll give you my 2 cents.

You want to be fast, or resilient in tournaments.. It's hard to be both. Since knights are all efficiently costed, boost each other well enough, and have the added bonus of being White, I'd say being fast is your best bet.

Best way to achieve that is cut all the expensive cards... True Conviction and Celestial Mantle are awesome, but they are too expensive to be useful. They cost 6, and if you aren't close to winning by turn 6, it's probably because they keep killing your creatures. And if you have no creatures to attack with, it wont matter if they have doublestrike and lifelink, right? Cut them. That should bring your deck down to 60. You always wanna have your deck at 60... it helps keep the deck focused, and insure you are drawing the cards you wanna draw.

Now, to make the deck faster, put in more of the cheaper spells and less of the more expensive ones. +2 Accorder Paladins, +1 White Knight, +2 Signal Pest (not a knight, I know, but it's hard to block, and boosts everything else and only costs 1), -1 Hero of Bladehold, -4 Armored Ascension (I like this card, but the problem with it is you cast it, attach it to a creature, and then right away your opponent kills the creature, and you just payed 4 mana to lose 2 cards. Maybe try Strata Scythe instead?).

The lone Journey to Nowhere seems out of place, and the Safe passages are a tricky bugger... on your 3rd turn would you rather play Knight Exemplar, or Safe Passage? And since all your creatures are white... Brave the Elements does the same thing for only 1... and it can also counter a removal spell. Swap the Passages for Brave the Elements, and the Journey to nowhere can probably be replaced with Oblivion Ring (it costs 1 more, but it hits more than just creatures, which is much more useful).

And finally, since all but 3 of your cards cost 3 or less to cast, you can drop to 23 lands, and put in one more Oblivion Ring.

Sorry, I pretty much remade the entire deck :-) Good luck with your build man! I hope I helped!

Posted 29 July 2011 at 07:52


Your suggestions were right on point and well founded. I am going to side board my safe passages depending on what type of deck my opponent is playing due to the fact that ALL damage will be negated. I was always debating on my enchantments, (armored acensions), due to the fact of them also being removed with the creature. The reason i put them in was because of the massive boost and the fact it gave flying. I will try your suggestion and see how it works. Thanks once again for the heads up.

Posted 29 July 2011 at 08:56


Haha, I didn't mean take ALL of my suggestions! It's your deck buddy, build how you like! If you put it together yourself then you'll be more comfortable with it and more proud when it wins. But I gotta say, I really like the look of it now. Did a couple sample draws... Still a little slow out the gate, but around turn 3 or 4 it starts getting out of hand

I'll be honest, Strata Scythe seems out of place now... You may be better off with out it, or if you have the money, Sword of Feast and Famine.

Or, to boost the all-out attack power, Signal Pest. And Contested War Zone would be a cool addition, probably coming in for at least 2 or 3 extra damage if you use it right.

Posted 29 July 2011 at 19:45


I have all the swords...maybe batterskull because they cant really destroy it. But I really do wanna go for the fast approach to my deck and the CMC of batterskull and its equip cost just doesnt let it fit in this deck.

Ill throw in 2 swords and see how that works out, going to test it today with some friends.

Posted 30 July 2011 at 02:45


After thinking it over, the Sword of War and Peace is probably stonger... Speed wise

Posted 31 July 2011 at 03:13


Looks like a great deck.
I have a few suggestions for you to consider.
Personally I would rather have removal than protection so I would run Path to Exile or Swords to Plowshare instead of Brave the Elements, and I would move it to the sideboard.
I would rather have Angelic Destiny instead of Sword of Vengeance. It helps you against flying or gives you away to attack unblocked and it doesn't suffer the same weakness that most enchantments have. You are actually more likely to run into artifact hate instead of enchantment hate.

Also I would say that unless you are going up against black you may be better off putting White Knight in the sideboard and run Knight of Meadowgrain in the mainboard. Although with Dismember running rampant today white knight is still a solid choice.

It may be worth finding room for 1 Kinsbaile Cavalier also, he is a game changer if he sticks around.
Silver Knight, Leyline of Sanctity, Wrath of God/Day of Judgement are all solid sideboard options.

Good luck with the deck!

Posted 06 November 2011 at 09:51


Umezawa's Jitte is alot better than sword of vengeance, and stoneforge mystic is great if u can find room fo it.

Posted 06 November 2011 at 19:44


or look my knight deck up

Posted 28 November 2012 at 16:53
