Don't mention it :DGood luck with your build!
Add Culling the Weak
Birds of paradise instead of Mystics, to get the blue mana easier :)
Green sun is, true, I forgot that, but deathrite too? I didn't know that! I play modern too, but mostly with friends, I was not aware that shammy has been banned
I was about to propose turning this into a dark maverick with a couple of dark confidants and green sun's zenith, but I just thought of the level of failure that you'll have if you draw iona and lose 9 life for no bloody reason ^-^'! Nice deck overall, maybe the addition of another unburial rights, even though you have gifts ungiven would be nice. Were I your opponent, I'd add deathrite shammys, to get rid of your unburial rights while in the graveyard, or exile it somehow! so 1-2 more might save you ;)
Halimar Depths maybe, to "ponder" a bit your next cards, or maybe a combo with zombie infestation and treasure hunt as an extra winning condition?
Add one more nykthos, I play a modern black devotion (vampires) deck, and the second Nykthos comes always handy ^-^Also consider the fact that even though you use murder spells and dark rituals, you lack the speed to really make the deck top! Maybe adding a couple of gravecrawlers/thoughtseizes would be neat
I think you should remove Eager Cadet . . I mean seriously, it ups the cost and it won't be a budget deck anymore :/XDXD Epic collection btw
How about 1 or 2 chalices of life? could be great in this deck, it gives you speed with all that lifegain!
Maybe geralds messenger and getting rid of 2 gempalms or combo 4 gempalms with endless ranks of the dead? Or maybe undead warchief?I got a zombie deck and with endless ranks of the dead/call to the grave, and dark rituals and culling the weak for speed (awesome with gravecrawler) works like a charm!
Why do you use the azorious guildgate? you don't use white, and the gift of orzhova can be played with black mana. You should get rid of it, it comes to the battlefield tapped :p
Nice deck!!
I got a foil Iona Shield of Emeria once, for 12 euros (mint) for my reanimator (legacy), about 16 USD and now it's easily 75 USD+ Truly a bargain! It would be fun :D
I see, well, sinkholes are quite pricy, true but obliterators are no burgain either ^-^, not to mention deathrite, I cannot find the 3rd and the 4th I need and any friends that own one or more, are not willing to trade of course . . .Btw, we tend to play multiplayer too, and most like to build 'control' decks to defend against me and another (we both have aggro-destr-discard decks) so hitting enough before the suprime verdict is getting boring . . . land destruction could be a nice way to hit conTROLLers :p
To really piss someone off, use 4 less murders and add 4 sinkholes or smallpoxes, so not only the opponent won't have creatures to play, but you can easily deny him mana ^-^You have no chance against a no creature deck or burn/storm deck, so land destruction could be the way to go! I love MURDER DECKS btw :P I play one myself, vampire slaughter!! Urge to feed, Victim of night and Black sun's zenith is the way to go!!
To use deathrite shammy's lifegain ability, by exiling creatures
Nice deck, but, since it's creature based, I'd add 2-4 more creatures, because without creatures, you have nothing to enchant :p Hexproof creatures are good, but one more ace and one more lion, and due to low costs, maybe -1 forest and -1 pit or gift of orzhova would be good.Opponents can still discard or control/remove (-1/-1 counters and mass removals/dmg) creatures, so 18+ creatures for me, in an enchantments deck :D Good luck!
I'd use 2-3 more small creatures, and exchange 2-3 swamps for Nykthos Shrines, let's say, 19 swamps-3 Shrines. I play a vampire devotion deck (modern), and having 2 Nykthos' at my disposal is awesome! I can summon everything and NUKE as fast as it gets!!! I know this is more of a control deck, so no more than 2-3 small creatures needed, but 22 lands+ is a must, high cc means lots of lands if you don't play green ramp or blue fast draw decks :/
Smart Combo ^-^
Don't use so many dual lands, they come tapped . . I have 2 Graven Cairns - 4 Summits - 4 Blood Crypts and one Nyx (need one more) on my black-red Modern, and the rest are mounts-swamps (except if you use fetchlands, and add some sacrificial creatures like bloodghasts and gravecrawlers). 20 lands should be enough for your deck, but remove Cliffs, the are situational, and Summits with more swamps/mountains are far better . . Most of your monsters are r/b and not b and r, so untapped lands is the way to go for speed ^-^