intruder alarm..... mixxed with sprout swarm.... replace magus of the vine yard with lanwar elves... can you say infinate loop,,,,
yes on both ... part of the coolness of this deck... you use the champion effect to make evoke creatures do fun little loops and serch for any card... or kill all there guys or.... empty their hand and what not... glad you caught on... i plan on running this deck at a couple torneys.... and hopefully get a ptq under my belt.... :)
deck usally goes off really fast... you can have a 13 13 trampler first turn or a second turn 24 24..trampler....
hatred... exodus rare.... pay x life taget creature gets +x+x.... and bad moons...
conspiracy.... hahaha.... a never ending loop endless wraths and with nantuko husk a very easy win condition....
hani kami and gifts ungiven.... eternal witness....
azure command..... white weenies best friend.... plus the new giant that tutors for equipment and then attaches it to creatures...
hahahah... yeah i used to run a stasis deck myself... but i like to use vedelken mastermind in place of the time elemental... cost 2 solid blue to cast and one blue to use the ability.... then you can get crazy and throw levler... with say a tel jihad stylis... remove libraiy with the leveler stylis the stasis so you always draw it and then play it,,, could even throw in a becon of tomarrows to take infinet turns after you lock down the game.... nothing says fun like infinet turnswith a 10/10
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