Well here is my dragon deck that you can look at and take some ideas from http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=172533
Dragon arch wouldn't really help since I only have 4 multicolor creatures in this deck. I would love more omens and the lands would be fun. I'll probably take out the ebon dragon but the skithiryx is a very scary dragon to go up against.
Funniest way to mess up token decks
Echoing truth lol
http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=172533 ----- Dragon This is my baby, the deck I've been wanting since I started magic. Still could always use some work.
With an EDH deck what would be the point? It would come up enough to be of any real use. I love this deck idea because I love Jhoira and I love suspending. I don't like this deck just because I don't like eldrazi, but combining the two is a really nasty idea and I love nasty ideas!
Spell wise I would get more land search. One of my favorite cards for this is search for tomorrow since you can drop it first turn and it gives you an extra untapped land a couple turns later.
With any dragon deck I have I always have kilnmouths because they are beautiful dragons, however, if you throw a thornbite staff on one of those then they become ungodly ; )
Oh and forget the wild pair, throw in lurking predators. It may not be a definite creature every time like wild pair but it keeps your opponent from playing spells, or at least makes them hesitate, either way your getting a free creature for their spells!
Kilnmouths man Kilnmouths.
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