Nice idea. I always liked Boros, and making it fit into Standard with Humans is a nice call. I'd suggest, though, to add some red burn spells for removal and/or that finishing blow. It seems a pity not to have burn in a deck like this. Incinerate and Pillar of Flame come to mind, but there are a bunch of other options as well
To keep with the theme but add nasty surprises, I'd think about adding Spidery Grasp. At least I think that's what it's's the instant from Innistrad that lets you untap and pump a creature. 'd also maindeck 4 Arachnus Webs for control. I understand you're going for beatdown, but unless you can win on turn 4, some removal is necessary
I would keep the Nullmage Shepherd and the Jagged-Skull Archers for the sideboard, and use that space to add some of the great elf cards from Onslaught block. I think Wellwishers are musts in any elf tribal deck (tap to gain 1 for every elf in play), Timberwatch Elf are clutch (tap to give a creature +x/+x, where x is elves), and Heedless One (*/* trampler, where * is the number of elves you control)
Great theming, and defintiely powerful, but you need to think about an early game, even if it breaks the theme. You have literally nothing that you can play in the first three turns in this deck, so it makes your deck vulnerable. Angels are always going to be expensive, so you need some other creature types in there. Maybe Angelic Wall? not actually an Angel, but it'll buy you time, it's a good defender, and in name it fits the theme.
Cultivate works, for sure. As for creatures, Borborygmos is solid, so yeah keep that in. The Nacatls, Kird Apes, and Loam Lions are all efficient and run on the same theme, so I'd keep them. The Scute Mob is also a great early drop that blows up after several turns, and the requirement for it growing takes longer but is less specific (five of any lands, even nonbasics), so it works well in a different way . If it were me I'd probably take out the Terra Stomper, because it takes 3 green in a 3 color deck. Or you could sideboard against blue, since it can't be countered. The Mayaels don't really work in the deck as it stands right now, cuz there are only 5 creatures that she could bring out. She's also a little slow to get moving, so unless you add more big creatures I think she can go. Oh, and I'm a big fan of the Throctar :)
Bolas is just broken, so any deck that can get him out effectively is on its way to success. I do love all the Invasion block cards - it's my favorite set, and one that is underused considering some of the weapons it has. Along those lines, I'd swap out the Dimir Aqueducts for Crosis' Catacombs. It's also a bounce land, but adds any of the three colors you want instead of just blue or black. I would also consider removing the four counterspells in here, because there are only four, so it really wouldn't do much good, especially since it can only counter in certain situations. Plus, you have plenty of ways to deal with permanents once they do make it to the battlefield.
Ah, a good old fashioned LD deck. Love it. I've often seen it with black, also, but this works, and would make it more streamlined. Consider adding Strip Mines, because they don't cost anything to cast, and also some Browbeats, which give you either card advantage or do damage to your opponent. As for what to take out, the DS enchantment seems a little extraneous. It's not really a creature-based deck, and so it's not being used to full effect. Also, because of the low number of offensive creatures, I feel like there are better fits for this deck for offense than the battlecry Goblin. Sicne there aren't really any other offensive creatures, the battlecry is somewhat wasted, and so you're just getting a 2/2 for 2. I can't think of any off the top of my head, but there's bound to be a mroe efficient offensive red creature weapon than that, that works better in this deck.
Nice inexpensive deck. The Lone Wolf and the Sacred Wolf are really solid cards, and Master of the Wold Hunt is awesome, of course. I'd take out Rot Wolf, because I feel like you should only use infect in a deck that poisons to death. Also, maybe sideboard the Tel-Jalid, because if there aren't any artifact creatures it's not that great. Maybe also think a bout removing the Wurm's Tooth? I don't think you necessarily need to gain life in this deck, and this card only does it very slowly. Also, with the Asceticisms in there, the Regenerations might be extraneous. Some cards that may fit in this deck that you might considerL Wren's Run Packmaster (makes wolves and gives them deathtouch), Howling Wolf (finds other Howling Wolves in your deck), Wolf Pack (a giant Lone Wolf), Wolfbriar Elemental (makes wolves when it's kciked), Aspect of Wolf (cheap aura that pumps and fits the theme), and Wyluli Wolf and Timber Wolves for early but useful drops.
I like this deck but it seems a little scattered. I'd narrow down the big creatures to just 2-3, and then go with lots of multiples of them. Also, Rith's Grove, from Apocalypse would be a good land to potentially add. Rith herself is a good strong creature (6 for a 6/6 dragon that creates Saprolings) that you might consider. And Rith's charm is a versatile spell. Any 3 color deck needs a good way to get lands out. I like the lands you have and the Sylvan Rangers, but I'd also add Rampant Growths or Harrows. The Nacatls, Kird Apes, and Loam Lions are great in this deck, and are efficient for their mana cost. :)
Just pick a theme, do some research online, and go for it. Start building, cuz you gotta start somewhere. The options are basically limitless. You could do a tribal deck, where all the creatures are the same type (like Elf or Soldier or Rebel or Zombie), or you could base it off of a planewalker, or a theme, like land destruction, or removing cards from the other player's deck. Figuring out what type of player you are (like preemptive, and aggresive, or defensive, or control) will help you figure out what type of deck to make, too.
Nice deck. It'd be so frustrating to play against because of all those pesky walls. I have a feeling yours would win against mine because yours is faster and my offense wouldn't be able to punch through I would say that, since everything is such low casting cost and your creatures can produce so much mana, you can get rid of the Rampant Growths and put in some more offense, like another Hydra in the main deck, and maybe some other big green creatures or some removal. The Gelatinous Gensis works well, so I'd add 2 more in there. That's especially true if you have the Overruns, because that works best when there are tons of your creatures being pumped (i.e. if you have a lot of Ooze tokens). The more Gelatinous Genesis, the more Ooze, the more things to be pumped and attack with. Hope that helps!