Competitive Decks: Black Sac

by DarcZoul on 01 May 2015

Main Deck (60 cards)

Sideboard (15 cards)

Instants (7)

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Deck Description

This is a fun deck I put it together in the planeswalkers game.
It lacks consistency a bit though.
It uses different mechanics and combos to take down multiple creatures at once while yours get stronger and deal heavy direct damage to your opponent while healing yourself.
One of the most destructive combos is Blood Artist + Grave Pact + Demon of Deaths Gate. You instagib 3 creatures while dealing 6 direct damage to your opponent, healing yourself for the same amount and summoning a 9/9 flyer with trample. This combo wins me nearly every game Im able to pull it off in (thanks to Tutor this happens in like 1/4 of the games I played with this deck..). The devotion mechanic lets you deal insane damage with Merchant. I also never lost a game with Erebos or Massacre Wurm out on the field.
The only hard matchups I had so far were against super aggro early game decks since the mana curve is not exactly ideal. -_-
Let me know what you think. Every good suggestion is welcome. :)

How to Play

Well you sacrifice your Gravecrawlers, Messengers and Butcher Ghouls for your cards abilities, especially when Death Pact is out. Tutor targets are your finishers: the fat Demon, Erebos and Massacre Wurm. Insane combo potential when some of the crucial cards are out. You can run Dismember if you want to eliminate specific targets in the middle of an army.

Deck Tags

  • Modern
  • Devotion
  • Sacrifice
  • Competitive

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 6,116 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Competitive Decks: Black Sac

Killing Wave is cool, but I've come to like Mutilate more. While both get around indestructible and regeneration, Mutilate has a slightly higher chance of guaranteeing the kill as the opponent can pick an keep a few key creatures off Killing Wave (I've done this a few times off an opponent's KW and won).

I run a mono black Heartless Summoning based deck that I think might give you a few ideas:

Posted 06 May 2015 at 08:45


Good suggestion I added Wave to the sideboard and I'm gonna try Mutilate out in the next games and let you know how it worked out for me. +1 to you.

Posted 06 May 2015 at 10:07


Mikaeus, the Unhallowed makes all your guys have undying, so you can sac them and get them back stronger. And he has intimidate, which is cool too.

Posted 16 May 2015 at 04:34


Very cool card. Added it. Thank you very much. :)

Posted 16 May 2015 at 05:58


Xathrid Necromancer does similar, but only works if the creatures dying are Human. That's why it's combo'ed with Conspiracy and / or Xenograft to turn all your creatures into Humans, including the Zombies that Xathrid Necromancer puts out. But all this is probably for a different deck, it's own deck...

Posted 16 May 2015 at 06:29


There are no humans in this deck, and I'm pretty sure that Xenografts is blue...

Posted 16 May 2015 at 13:16


Thanks for putting that in!

Posted 16 May 2015 at 13:18


Well hes a good counter against human-stacked decks and he buffs the Bitterblossom tokens as well. So why wouldnt I add him? I am very thankful for good suggestions like yours.

Posted 17 May 2015 at 14:51


this thing is just begging for bitterblossom

Posted 16 May 2015 at 06:35


Yeah I played 2 copies of it before but that didnt do very much to be honest. I feel like you'll have to get it out early to do something with it so 4 copies might be better. But I just don't really know how to fit them in here (what to swap out for it). Do you have a suggestion for me?

Posted 16 May 2015 at 10:25


looking at this list the only thing I can see you cutting without touching anything else (since Gary is going to give you a million life anyways) is the whip

if you want to touch a lot more you can cut two diabolic tutors and change the last tutor to another way to draw cards, probably sign in blood or read the bones since read the bones can potentially dig 4 and for one less mana it can be more relevant than tutor. As for your creature base you have a lot of fun stuff going on and if you wanted to keep the tutors the only thing I can see being lackluster in a lot of matchups is blood artist since it has such a small back end (1 toughness) but I would need to play this list to see how integral it is to you winning.

Some things you are doing here are cool as all hell though, I would have never thought of massacre wurm for a MBD list, I tend to lean towards black suns zenith but if you can get it early enough it does WORK.

Also have you considered a split between mutilate, black suns zenith, and damnation? It might be worth it to do a 1/1/1 split since if your low on swamps but have a high devotion then zenith is fantastic, damnation may be able to hit things your mutilate cant hit at the time, but their are other times mutilate will do more damage per say than black suns zenith. If you do this you also make yourself better against things like meddling mage and surgical extraction for next to no detriment to your list at all. Especially since BSZ can also be used as a 3 mana tempo play against lingering souls tokens and bitterblossom against a faeries matchup (it kills a lot of their list at 3 mana).

Hope you have luck with this list, it looks fun as all hell!

Posted 16 May 2015 at 17:21


Ok I did some changes. I think it works better now. Thank you very much.

Posted 16 May 2015 at 23:54


Actually, as some of your creatures often have undying, Cauldron of Souls may be preferable to Mikaeus. On the other hand, it kills the guys with 1 toughness again when they come back again - which can be a good thing or a bad thing. Innocent blood/ Barter in blood may be interesting. Other honorable mentions would be Bloodghast, Gatekeeper of Malakir and Harvester of Souls.

Posted 24 May 2015 at 13:08


Might I suggest running something like shambling goblin the sideboard? I think this would help a lot with your weakness to aggro. It can chump block and form an easy two for one or be turned into a kill spell.
Alternatively you could try shrivel, bile blight, or drown in sorrow.
Finally I suggest Gatekeeper of Malakir over (at least) one Fleshbag Marauder. He pulls a ton of weight, contributes to to devotion x2 and is far more likely to form an effective two-for-one. Admittedly, he doesn't have the benefit of forcing you to sac one as well, but I think, given that grave pact is 4CMC, that's going to be a plus more often than it is a negative. Fleshbag does have zombie typing which is good synergy w/gravecrawler, though.
I guess they both have benefits, it's just personal preference.

Posted 07 June 2015 at 04:21


Quite like this deck actually. Seems fun to play with. A couple of thoughts on my end though.
I'd perhaps replace the Butcher Ghoul's with Reassembling Skeletons. Both seem to act as sac fodder or chump blocking more than any offensive and the Skeleton can be re-used multiple times for a small mana investment rather than just the one undying trigger on the Ghoul.
I'd also think about replacing the Diabolic Tutors with Sidisi, Undead Vizier. Same effect for an extra mana but in this deck you'll likely keep her substantial deathtouching body afterward, and she also helps devotion count. Whether this would upset mana balance for you I don't know without testing.

Posted 07 June 2015 at 13:02


I agree with you on Sidisi, but not on the skeletons as they lose zombie typing which hurts Gravecrawler.

Sidisi is a good choice, but as mugekira mentioned above, draw spells might be better. He never mentioned Phyrexian arena, which could be an absolute powerhouse

Posted 07 June 2015 at 17:07


I added both. Works better with Arena instead of Bitterblossom.

Posted 01 July 2015 at 11:36


a great card for zombie decks is grim-grin u just keep sacrificing grave crawler to keep pumping him up and make him unblock able with rouges passage and win the game i had a U/B zombie deck and its an awesome combo plus the lords that give +1/+1 counters and i think death touch its great way to splash blue but this deck is a nice build def like +1

Posted 01 August 2015 at 13:59


metamorph24 has deleted this comment.

Posted 01 August 2015 at 14:01


a great card for zombie decks is grim-grin u just keep sacrificing grave crawler and bring him back to keep pumping him up and make him unblock able with rouges passage and win the game and works with blood artist. i had a U/B zombie deck and its an awesome combo plus the lords that give +1/+1 counters and i think death touch its great way to splash blue but this deck is a nice build def like +1

Posted 01 August 2015 at 14:02


I added Conjurer's Closet to trigger Sidisi, Merchant, Marauder, Messenger, Massacre Wurm and avoid Whip of Erebos' exilement.

Posted 07 August 2015 at 14:38


Also It makes Butcher Ghouls and Messengers stay on board for like ever.

Posted 10 August 2015 at 08:20


If you guys find some time you might wanna tell me what you think about my other competitive deck. It's a very interesting mono green combo deck. Feel free to check it out:

Posted 07 August 2015 at 17:01
