Okay here are some things: Goblin Arsonist is bad for what you're trying to do, which (I assume) is to control the board with pinging. Replace it with something that just straight pings - you could use Fireslinger, but I'd personally recommend Spikeshot Elder, because it curves well (you don't have anything else at the one-slot) and can be powered up and used multiple times in a turn. Why in the world is Virulent Swipe in there? I think you're trying to use it to trade in combat, so let me just quick go through why that's bad: Your opponent attacks, you block and use that. Okay, sure. But now you've just two-for-one'd yourself! That's bad! "But wait," you object, "it rebounds, so I get to use it again!" So you can attack for 3? And hey, if your opponent blocks the damage, then you'll "only" have three-for-two'd yourself (you lost three cards to your opponent's two)! Just use straight removal, or more counters. Lightning Bolt is strangely absent from this list. I get what you're trying to do with Rune Snag, but a simple hard counter (one that won't tax the opponent but will simply counter the spell) will probably be better, especially since I suspect you'll be spending early turns dropping pingers. So go with Counterspell.
Lightning Bolt.
I recommend running four Time Warps so you can take infinite turns more consistently.
While I like the idea of blowing up the field every turn with Myojin of Infinite Rage, in practice, when he comes out, the opponent is either already dead or going to be immediately after I remove his divinity counter. While I respectfully decline the suggestion of Shaleskin Plower, as I'd like the deck to remain relatively creatureless, Darksteel Citadel is a great, great idea and is definitely going in.
This was always a casual deck; I have never once played in a tournament, and neither has anyone else in my area. They do not excite us. Elves (aggro and combo, though more inventive combos than Elf Ball) and token aggro are popular in my playgroup, and in general (admittedly slow) aggro and midrange show up very often.
Addressing your listed problems in order: 1) People forget sometimes that basic lands are just fine in certain decks. Having ACTUALLY played hundreds rounds with this deck, I can tell you that the mana base works just fine. It hiccups a little on rare occasions, sure, but as a casual, budget player, I never really minded. 2) I like Inkwell Leviathan and it's reasonably budget-friendly. 3) Four Inkwells is probably too many, yes. 4) Running six token producers always worked just fine for me. It was just the right number to make the deck consistent. 5) What about this is uncontrolling? Bolt, Electrolyze, and Thunderheads (if you don't need it) work as spot removal. Condescend counters things and filters your draws. Pyroclasm and Earthquake clean up the board nicely, and Sleep does so too, though indirectly. Gigadrowse also buys time and can set up your combo against counter-heavy control decks. I really don't see what's wrong with it. Yes, it's weighted heavily against creature strategies, but I play a TON of those in my meta. TL;DR: What a largely arbitrary, uninformed flame.
Don't be ashamed of playing Slivers! There truly isn't anything wrong or broken about them. I, however, am biased - I've killed enough of them with Pyroclasms and Austere Commands to know not to worry. The one thing that absolutely needs to happen with this deck is its consistency must be improved. While having decks full of one-copy cards can be just fine, and if you're purposefully attempting to randomize the deck that can be fun too, it's often best to take a few of one's best cards and increase their numbers, while cutting the rest. Personally, I recommend keeping Muscle Sliver and Sinew Sliver, but I'll leave other choices up to you. ALTERNATIVELY, you could keep the deck mostly one-ofs and make Homing Sliver a four-of, allowing you to find exactly the Sliver you need at any given time.
Still looking good! Except I now own a deck that runs Austere Command. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!
Hey, it's Abbott. I finally got an account. XD While Elvish Aberration is a fine card, it's never done much for me in playtesting. Given the amount of mana ramp the deck has, I'd maybe go for something big and powerful - maybe Primalcrux (which Carter could give you) or Myojin of Life's Web. I dunno, Carter and Davis are better with green fatties than I am. Rise of the Eldrazi also has a TON of huge creatures - it is actually themed around them - and you can check out the spoiled cards at http://www.mtgsalvation.com/ . I highly suggest you do! You may also want to look into using Joraga Treespeaker (another Rise of the Eldrazi card) as a replacement for Greenweaver Druid. I guarantee you she'll be better every time. Other fun cards to use with lots of mana are Gigantiform and Strength of the Tajuru (both of which should be relatively cheap). Just look; you'll understand.