Well, yes, it goes by the current text rulings, but the card is legal appearance wise if it exists in 8th and on, just follow the current text
I checked out the cards you suggested, while they are good cards, they aren't for the play style that I developed with this deck. The deck is for 4 or less drops, dealing damage via creatures or spells or both, but doing so with as little down time as possible, meaning as few tapped creatures as possible unless you're dealing massive damage all at once.I appreciate the tips and they are very good ones, just for this deck they don't fit, okay? Also, the multiple copies is because I bought them on TCGPlayer.com and they didn't have multiple copies of the same set card for the same price, some were like $1 more, which was a big no no to me. So I made sure it was okay, and as long as its been PRINTED in 8th edition and on, its legal to use older versions of cards, so I went with as cheap as I could~
Neither of those are Modern Legal, this is a Modern Deck, but I do wish Bombardment was legal!