Not a bad idea but against creature aggro, this is actually to slow, Creature aggro right now can kill on turn 4 normally, Whats the most damage you can do by turn 4? Turn one Vexing they take 4 at 16, turn 2 Searing spear or 2 pillar, they are at 12 or 13, turn 3 searing spear and a pillar puts them at 7 or 8 then spark trooper. You'd need atleast 2 vexxing devils to win before creature aggro especially if they go first. Put in something to make it so you can last a few extra turns even just one extra turn and this should be great.
Veilborn Ghoul is in there as a discard for Pack Rat, Keeps coming back to my hand not in there to actually play unless I need to. Ashmouth would be terrible in this deck because to keep him in play i'd have to sack a creature making Pack Rat get weaker. theres the link to the deck we came up with, somewhat comparable to yours just more creature based for when things dont work out right.
A friend and I designed a pretty decent worldfire deck a few days ago and tested it out, it actually works pretty well, except we use Fiend Hunter / O ring on Erdwall Ripper / Fervant Cathar (both haste) to Just end it all the same turn lol