Epic Izzet

by danielkanedy on 26 March 2014

Main Deck (60 cards)

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Deck Description

Let the spells explode.

How to Play

Guttersnipe + Low Cost Instants/Sorc.= Big Chimera and burn. Let Experiment explode while snipes out.

Deck Tags

  • Standard
  • Izzet
  • Burn
  • Epic Experiment

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 1,350 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Epic Izzet

My FNM standard get up. Works well most of the time. I quite risky though. May be the funnest deck ive played in awhile.

Posted 26 March 2014 at 22:05


Try some goblin electromancers maybe. It's a bear (2/2 for two mana) that can make your lightning strikes into bolts. May I also suggest that you could try out (not helped by electromancers) searing blood? One more mana and you deal 2 damage to your opponent, too.

Posted 26 March 2014 at 23:40


I was running a heavier creature base with nivix cyclops and goblin electromancers. Seemed like I could deal more damage with the rare dmg spells I drew. But once I turned the creatures down and upped the burn Epic Experiment became truely epic. Im not wasting creatures and other non instant/ sorcery spells when I cast a late game experiment for 4. So a less risky Experiment. Ill take it.

Posted 27 March 2014 at 06:23



Tag this deck, "Optimus Prime"

Posted 27 March 2014 at 01:32


Right thanks its fun

Posted 27 March 2014 at 06:18


The following is pure opinion!

This is something that I like-ish.... I dislike the sheer dependency on guttersnipe that all red/any and all other colors. I know it's 'three good to pass up' but still. It kills flavor! The Izzet brain boil that I have says to scrap both the creatures. Add in some of B/U and R/B lands (that you'd like to have) and add in diabolic tutor, or if you really want to go with gusto infernal tutor with the latter being super expensive. If you run into your epic experiment in the wild, that's great! Or just search it out. Does it 'lower' your chances to win? Yeah, a little, but it's way more fun and Izzety. There is that risk of failure, sheer theme and plain old nuttiness. The way any deck with Izzet in it should be.

Posted 27 March 2014 at 02:58


Nice I love the idea!

Posted 27 March 2014 at 06:18


Yeah gutters just there to aid. My focus is upon casting big Epic Experiments. I wanted the sheer numbers of free spells to over not out but over weigh the chance of exiling a useless card. I.e Cast Experiment for 4. I know that atleast 2 are probally going to be a mana. So since I only have 8 cards that will not work within epic experiment the chances are i might draw one of these eights. SO say theres two available cards I need both of em to make it worth it. Mizzium Mortars + Shock? bye bye desecration demon you pesky a$$. So yeah gutter makes the game faster. Thats why I will always be on team guttersnipe!

Posted 27 March 2014 at 06:29


But that's the thing, Izzet isn't supposed to be efficient. It's supposed to be a big ol' gamble on the for the win, with a few threats held in the back to make the deck viable. It's supposed to be hyper thematic. "Izzet is an equation that turns lunacy into explosions."

Posted 28 March 2014 at 05:26


Yeah its risky. But I can lower the risk a bit.

Posted 28 March 2014 at 16:04


Looks good, looks good.
I'm not so much into standard, but I give you all the help I can give.

Goblin Electromancer could be good in this one, since it helps with all those sorceries, and even with couple of instants.
It is also 2-mana drop, and I see that this deck doesn't have any other 2-mana creature drops, so it could fit.
In the other hand, you have such a few creatures that Anger of Gods could have its place here.
Chandra's Phoenix rocks in all burn decks, so you might want to add it to at least sideboard.

Your sideboard should include Ash Zealot, Dispel, Disperse and Act of Treason.

Posted 27 March 2014 at 08:16


Great Ideas I appreciate it I guess I should list the sideboard huh. Thanks for the input

Posted 27 March 2014 at 15:19


Anytime bro. Anytime.

Posted 27 March 2014 at 15:44
