Good point, but I just play this deck in a casual multiplayer (mostly) game. I initially built it to prove creature decks can out draw burn. My friends only play combo, or junky zoo (no control to worry about). I would normally have SB'd bolts/burn vs tokens, mirror, rug, boros...actually I will sb some board sweepers.
silverblade paladin would be so good for this deck. t1-champ t2-townsfolk t3-silverblade, and your champ is now 4/4 dbl strike! swing for lethal turn 4!
I love this idea. Looks like a super fun deck.
Sure, I'll check it out.
I was thinking that Leak was going to be less of a relevant card with the introduction of cavern of souls. I was thinking; o ring in SB for leak against tribal. However feeling of dread is Awesome!. Gonna main deck it for sure.
Holy crap I love this build. I'm working on a very similar build (still work in progress). Mine draws just as fast as yours, pls check it out and tell me what you think. Deck link: That would be one hell of a matchup.