Looks decent but there is still no way in hell that this would come close to goblins.
Oh ya by the way check out Ability theif on the main page i just thought of it but think it could use some help still ha.
Just saying bro haha love you man :)
I actually really really like this deck idea.... Here is what i would do tho. You dont really need the Harvester of souls because you are sacrificing tokens and a devastation tide to add 2x of high preist with that much morbid you can get a lot of demons! Temporal mastery could be very useful for this and im glad its in i think you should add 1 more taking out Devastation Tide and both of the increasing confusions since they are not the main focus (SIDEBOARD THEM) also now you can add another bone splinters,,,,,,,, And those main demons do cost a lot of mana so you might want to look and find some other ways to do some extra damage.
I had thought about that thanks... I may add them in ill have to re-mix some stuff and see how it goes.
Thank you that should help a lot i re aranged my mana base a little bit. Also added in the harrows.
Ok go ahead make it better its not like its a chalenge this deck was made for fun.
How sad....
Ha nevermind i figured it out thanks for the tip.
Yes but what do i take out..... :/
There you go! Now this deck looks a ton better!!
Psh goblins everyone knows that they are only second best to the devils haha just kidding man the deck looks good but i think that you could drop your lands b 2 or 4 even since your mana costs are all so low and through in some other goblins... Just a hint.
Thank you :) Years of playing with zombies ha they have boosted my build skills.
Mmmm could use some work try finding some other forms to do some damage to people.. Check out my merfolk it seems to have that process down. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=137134
Dont see a large point in including the jace but if you really want to make a zombie mill i would try adding some Undead Alchemist's they are an amazing mill to zombie buff card alo try and avoid putting 1 or 3 copies of cards into your deck if you stick to 2 or 4 it will keep your deck playing more consistant. +1 grave crawler +2 or +4 Undead alchemist -1 or +1 Jace -1 ponder +1 Endless Ranks of the Dead (Very good card for zombies) Try moving other cards around to avoid 1 of only a card and this will perform much better and more consistantly give you the cards your really want to play to win _______ Check out my zombie mill for ideas if you wish, i have many types of zombie decks built now as well. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=344951
Fixes thank you
Haha oh my heck i totally forgot about him i dont know why it just slipped my mind ha that should be better now thank you!!
Im kind of having trouble seing the Crypt of Agadeem being that usefull in this deck because most of your cards are based on having all of your zombies on the field and not so much as grave based, yes a few cards are grave based zombies such as gravecrawler and the vengefull pharaoh but both of those two are very easy to pump back out of the grave and you have multiple ways to do it... My suggestion... -1x Crypt of agadeem -1x Cabal Coffers -2x Cruel Revival -2x Unbreathing Horde -1x Vengefull Pharaoh +1x Army of the damned +2x Walking Corpse or something like this even know they are small with all the buff you can give them they wont be for long and may also help keep you under the radar for some time in multiplayer. +2x Death Baron +2x Cemetery Reaper I think making some of these revisions will help to keep your deck more consistant by avoiding 1s and 3s it just makes the deck that much better. (Remember these are only suggestions you can choose to play your zombies how ever you choose, me i personally like blue black zombie bash and mill ha) Have fun playing the deck man!
59 Cards? haha Add a UNICORN!! that would win!
+1 Clone +1 Phyrexian Metamorph -4 Green sun Zenith -3 Summoning Trap -3 Fauna Shaman +4 Disperse +4 Unsummon Haha idk dude thats what i was kinda thinking but even if not the deck still looks good i like it! Good job
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