Added some cards I think are fitting from the DnD set. Unsure if they will make the cut. (You Happen Upon a Glade and Teleportation Circle)
I hope that is a good thing XD I thought it would be fun to show some of the lore and build some canon myself. Plus explaining my crazy behind goat tokens
Thank you so much!
Thread of Edits:Edit 1: Swapping Temple of the False Gods for Ancient Tomb; Mistveil Plains for a Plains; Dawn Charm for Path to Exile
Currently waiting on acquiring a Cabal Coffers for Mana Base and hunting down a Magus of the Wheel. Will most likely replace a swamp and sygg for the 2.
I really like the Idea of Pyreheart Wolf and Vines of the Vastwood alot. Think I might 2 Immerwolf and 2 Gier Reach Bandits for 2 of each and see how that plays.
Sorry just didn't get saved in there apparently. Budget is unlimited, was trying to keep it close to newer sets so it could easily be turned into standard if i wanted it to. I don't play much standard so don't know how to approach. I kinda just built this on a whim on hope it works.