I like the idea, though I watched my own infect deck get torn apart by U/G Infect every game by turn 3 or 4. Livewire Lash, Mirran Metal, Groundswell and Distortion Strike with artifact creatures with infect. B/U is very interesting, it offers a good control basis but with so much speed available you can not play a passing game. Your control is a limitation, you have to use control to your advantage without letting it slow you down at all. I have taken many routes now in attempt to speed my deck as quick as I can, but still you see things like Relic Rush with turn 2 lockdown with an Argentum Armor and U/G Infect with 10 poison on turn 3 with a distortion strike and 2 pump spells. Look for something to stall the early game of decks that go that quick. If you don't mind looking at my infect deck, I'm using a bit of Relic Rush idea with my Infect stuff: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=152856
There are no Stoneforges because I am not completely reliant on the equipment aspect of the deck. Without a quest the deck can still put out around 10-15 damage by turn 3 if the right hand is drawn, just like it can still quest and swing turn 2 with selected equipment too. I am thinking that maybe playing G/U/W for BoP and Beastmaster may work out also, though I am skeptical. Venser will be coming out though, Riddlesmith is actually quite good in here, allowing for a good chance to look for whatever is needed to attack.
1 ofs? and with all the instants and sorceries no Pyromancer Ascension? I think you need to drop a lot of the bad cards: Lava Axe Turn to Slag Panic Attack Iona's Judgement Demolish Ricochet Trap Repel the Darkness Heat Ray Divine Verdict These are just in your spells. Run 4 of thinks like Red Sun's Zenith, Lightning Bolt, White Sun's Zenith, Burst Lightning and Burn the Impure. 1 ofs is not a good thing. Running 4 of means you get a better chance of drawing and there are always things that are better to play then others. You could play many other spells too. Cut you creatures to only the good ones, run 4 of things like Kor Firewalker and then find other things that are exceptional before you start running 1 ofs. Check out my Relic Rush: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=146194
You could get 4 of the red hero in here too. Check out my Relic Rush: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=146194
Agreed get in 4 Arid Mesa
Goldenglow Moth... Hilarious 1 drop, dies, gain 4 life. Otherwise, Divine Offering in the Sideboard, for sure. And I like it, it is fun, simple and does the job it says it will. Check me out: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=146194
Blue/Green infect is interesting. Though personally if not including Black in an infect deck I would have chosen to run White/Blue Infect/Proliferate. Some things to consider, more artifacts. Such as Core Prowler, Ichorclaw Myr, Throne of Geth and Sphere of Suns or Everflowing Chalice. Either of the Swords (B&M or F&F) would be great, any Equipment giving first strike is also a winner. Why I would chose White: Preists of Norn and Thrine Shrike for infect. Also Choking Fumes. You have a choice of Divine Offering or Revoke Existence for artifact and enchantments. Board wiping late game for a reset is optional too. You can also run White Sun Zenith for a bunch of blockers or attackers. Equipment is also easier for white decks it seems. Why Green is good though: Rot Wolf, properly played can be great. With some equipment you can make killers out of everything. Viridian Corrupter is also a great, great Infect creature, though I also gave options on what white could do for artifact hate. Green Sun's Zenith is probably one of the best cards in the set too. Why more artifacts: A hard counterspell like Stoic Rebuttal is great, especially if you can cast it for 2 blue. More proliferate is available through things like Core Prowler and Throne of Geth, you can proliferate the Poison counters on your opponents. Lands: Inkmoth Nexus, it is a must. You almost have to play it. Equipment: I mentioned equipment a few times now. First Strike is available through a few of them, with infect this is great. Anything that makes your creatures bigger will also add to your late game. These are just things I see and think about. I also find that infect is almost reliant on black and if not you are not running it you need reason not to. I like the idea you have though, more counters may help, some bigger guys or even more proliferate. If you'd take the time to look at my Relic Rush, thanks: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=146194
Are you still in the idea that you should be Zendikar Equip? And is this a competitive deck idea you are having? If it should be Zendikar Equip then I am going to have to say, drop Inomitable Archangel, Victory's Herald, Sun Titan and Inferno Titan. Those have nothing to do with Equipment, cost to much and are all one ofs and you if you are hoping to draw the one you need in a pinch you are almost guaranteed not to. Hero of Bladehold is good, but you have to run more then 1... Now running red is pointless, you are running if for Board control, run some white enchantments and white removal instead. Your equipment, add Sword of Feast and Famine and remove Darksteel Plate. You could consider more Living Weapons with Stoneforge to drop them in play. Argentum Armor is also great. Find some more menacing 0-3 drop creatures they are the most likely to be pests for your opponent and get equiped. Kor Outfitters and Brass Squires are great. I have my Relic Rush deck I am playing pretty much steady now, it is equipment based, take a look: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=146194
I would suggest one current card. Sword of Body and Mind. 2/2 Wolf token for hitting the opponent and mill 10 cards for a fun bit. Really with the theme I don't know where to go other then that.
Actually changes were made earlier today before going out to play this afternoon. The changes made actually removed the Elfs and Planeswalkers.
I like it and have the makings of a pool deck put together, more for casual but this makes me think it might have a bit more to go on. I am looking more at running for a pool, playing the usefuls and sacrificing it before my opponents turn. I am also looking at running 4 Inkmoth. I might have mine up and running in the next 2 days or so, I've got half a month to playtest and I am in no hurry. But it has the possibility to run a proactive game with a reactive side, with throwing agro and bombs into the mix. The switch hitter with bombs in the sideboard and aggro main deck is a great idea though, you can play one and then when they board to control its offense jump to the other side. But you need to be patient, dropping a load down on turn 1 and 2 is all good, but when you get wiped on turn 2 with no open mana cause you rushed, you are going to be SOL.
I am currently playing Relic Rush, I wouldn't even sideboard, I go off turn 2 and I don't worry about you going off. Without any board answer or control yourself you wont have a chance to go off yourself. I have and extra 2 turns to go off before you. The metagame here is mostly Infect Rush, Valakut and Red Deck Wins(ish) it either wins turn 4ish with a combo or has enough destruction, damage or removal to stop you. I have to hope for a turn 2 or 3 go with Quest to have a chance against a Valakut, Primal Titans hit and it is over, and I have seen it turn 4. My advice: Remove Myr Reservoir or 2 of them at least for Ratchet Bombs. Remove Black all together and run Red Sun's Zenith instead of Exsanguinate. But only 3 of them. Remove 2 Comet Storm, 1 Myr Battlesphere, 4 Leaden Myr and 1 Splinter Twin. Add 4 Lightning Bolt, 4 Plague Myr. Remove 4 Dragonskull Summit add 4 Valukut. Remove 6 Swamp add 3 Arid Mesa and 3 Scalding Tarn. Shimmer Myr may be a possible add to main deck too. Put Myr Welder into your Sideboard. Put things like Blightsteel Colossus into you sideboard because of infinite mana, Wurmcoil when going against removal. These things may not be the direction for your deck, but you lack any board control other then comet storm. You have the late game but no way to save your guys and get there. These things I think cover one of your weaknesses, while it does remove a bit of the combo and efective comboness. It is all up to you.
If you comment and come back there are notes in the deck description about what I have done to the deck over time.
So I like Myr decks. Theme-decks are a bunch of good times. My ideas: Remove 1 Feast and Famine for 1 Sword of Body and Mind. Mix it up type deal here. Add 2 Fauna Shaman for 1 Perilous Myr and 1 Green Sun's Zenith. Zenith is ONLY good for green creatures, Fauna gets any creature, though you'll have to Glissa it back to your hand at some point, or get some Morbid Plunder. You might get some use out of Everflowing Chalices too. Just some ideas. Check out my proliferate deck: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=144974
This is entertaining. You could potentially work towards holding of most creature heave decks for a Massacre Wurm and let it do the job. But a non-creature, planeswalker deck or control may shut down. This looks a lot more like a fun deck then a play for the win deck, and a lot of fun at that.
I built around Architect also. I varried my counterspells though: Negate, Mana Leak and Steel Sabotage. I am running mostly one of 6+ artifacts for Treasure Mage. I have also tried to utilize a more diverse area of creatures I believe: Cosi's Trickster Cryptoplasm, and a Thada. I am lacking a 2 drop though and am thinking about moving something in instead of the Silver Myr. I feel like you do not need the Misties, as they just suck up a few points of life, though thinning can be good. You are running 4 Wurmcoil, though probably could drop it to 3 and bump your treasure mage to 3, you essentially are then searching for a contagion if needed or a wurmcoil if not, but have the option. Just at a glance though it looks good. Check out mine: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=144278
Fun deck, and some stupid run around mill combo thing going on... if you don't beat them with your sticks first.
Goblins is an old fallback, just like elves, soldiers, merfolk and zombies. You have to be careful, you don't have to run all goblin creatures, if something would save the deck that you are not running just because it isn't a goblin and doesn't fit theme then you are missing the point. Look around, some non-goblin may save you into the late game, or maybe some other, more expensive equipment. Like if you know you are going to get through for combat damage then try adding Sword of Body and Mind or Sword of Feast and Famine (possibly sideboard for appropriate decks.) Mortipod and other Living Weapons may be handy also... Check out my Shape Anew Deck, thanks: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=142872
Sword of Feast and Famine, Sword of Body and Mind...? Both of these are at least sideboard worthy in this deck. The G/W Relic Rush will run this deck ragged with its speed compared. Fauna Shamans, Vengevines, Beastmaster's Accession and Birds of Paradise just add another 2 win conditions and speed to the Relic Rush deck, here is a list before Besieged: 2 x Argentum Armor 4 x Memnite 4 x Ornithopter 1 x Sword of Body and Mind 2 x Beastmaster Ascension 4 x Birds of Paradise 4 x Fauna Shaman 4 x Vengevine 5 x Forest 8 x Plains 4 x Razorverge Thicket 4 x Sunpetal Grove 4 x Glint Hawk 1 x Kor Outfitter 1 x Kor Skyfisher 4 x Quest for the Holy Relic 4 x Squadron Hawk Possible turn 2 swing of ornithopter with a Armor on it. But if the deck doesn't take game early it can Fauna Shaman with Vengevines for a combo of a few small hitting flyers and a haster that comes back when those hit. It works extremely well though it is a costly deck. Check out my Shape Anew: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=142872
Ok yeah, B/G non-infect is possible. But it has to be a straight fast beatdown, no delays. You have some speed, not to much and you have to hope for great hands. You could benefit from something like Avenger of Zendikar or other game winner that would add more diversity. Green Sun's Zenith is also a great addition, though it is not as great for playing a black creature like Summoning Trap, it shuffles back in unlike Summoning Trap. Check out my Shape Anew deck: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=142872