
19 Decks, 1,441 Comments, 267 Reputation

I made a 2 cmc dependent casual Fish Tribal that goes nuts....nothing like this curve though.

Posted 23 November 2012 at 02:19 in reply to #303522 on Panic Station


Why not Deathrite SB or even MB?

Posted 21 November 2012 at 06:23 as a comment on Hey, you didn't think I was gone forever did you?


Deathrite Shaman makes it 9/24/3 :P

Posted 18 November 2012 at 06:48 in reply to #303522 on Panic Station


Lmao, I know. I know. I know. I know....Lmao. ;)

Posted 13 November 2012 at 10:07 in reply to #302545 on Hey, you didn't think I was gone forever did you?


Eh, you're on the top decks already...new t2 deck I made, found out it was an actual deck after I made it, lol.


Posted 13 November 2012 at 06:18 in reply to #302545 on Hey, you didn't think I was gone forever did you?


Haha, I just finished the Campaign tonight.. I kinda wish I bought the Limited edition though :/

My GT is "i munipulate"

Posted 12 November 2012 at 09:59 in reply to #302545 on Hey, you didn't think I was gone forever did you?


Halo 4...do you have live?

Posted 12 November 2012 at 08:42 in reply to #302545 on Hey, you didn't think I was gone forever did you?


I'd suggest using that Griselbrand, and a pair of Liliana of the Veil if you have access to them...really make the deck great.

I like the idea of Faithless Looting, I didn't really consider it in my Rites deck, since it's only three colors, with Blood Crypt for Slaughter Games.

Posted 09 November 2012 at 01:51 as a comment on 4 jundrites - STandard


Not SDT completely.

Posted 07 November 2012 at 00:13 in reply to #301893 on Hey, you didn't think I was gone forever did you?


Mono green right? Mine is BoP

Posted 04 November 2012 at 08:06 in reply to #301663 on Hey, you didn't think I was gone forever did you?


Your back, let's talk dredge soon.

Posted 04 November 2012 at 05:03 as a comment on Hey, you didn't think I was gone forever did you?


Well, here's a new list of mine.


Golgari too :D

Posted 04 November 2012 at 01:37 as a comment on I...need an adult?


I just made a deck with the SAME COLORS. It's standard though, lmao.


I thought if I'd "spam" like this, I'd at least find something somewhat similar, lol.

Man I haven't played actual standard since around February.

Posted 29 October 2012 at 00:42 as a comment on "I am become Death"


I'm saying I can't understand it, because you misspelled many words. You sound like you're one of the few people over 50 who are trying to use these "shortings", on the web and text, making himself look dumb. I mean, I'm sure you're smart enough to figure out what O and D are in that sentence.

"You are one of the..." The fact that you can't understand that, or at least look at it for the second it takes to understand it, makes you a hypocrite. I'm not commenting on this subject anymore, because it is making us both look VERY bad to our community on this site.

I'm a musician btw (aha).

Posted 24 October 2012 at 21:04 in reply to #298413 on Eternal Invasion


U R 1 O D... actually, you made my point, as I can't understand you.

Posted 24 October 2012 at 08:14 in reply to #298413 on Eternal Invasion


PoetMaster-X, You name just throws me off. When you don't spell out your words, it contradicts your name.

Posted 24 October 2012 at 00:29 in reply to #298413 on Eternal Invasion


PoetMaster, just so you know, It makes it much harder to read and understand what you're saying when you use U in place of you, R in place of are, and 1 in the words anyone, everyone etc. It'd also be a bit easier to read if you didn't CAPS every time you used a shortcut.

I figures now is a good a time as any to point that out, though, I noticed it a while ago. I'm just saying, be considerate to people who are reading your comments with proper grammar and spelling, you know? I DO NOT mean to be rude or anything.

Posted 23 October 2012 at 07:46 in reply to #298413 on Eternal Invasion



That's the old deck, but that new dragon looks sweet, and I'd like to tweek a bit. I'll build it with a new link when I get time, which I don't have atm, but I will ;) lol. Comment there, give me your ideas, and I'll use some.

I just miss attacking every turn trying to get enough damage in each turn, you know? With Karador I just sit till I see two cards.

Posted 22 October 2012 at 04:03 in reply to #297983 on I...need an adult?


Sounds like what I do. That Lotleth is sick here btw.

I'm rebuilding my Karrthus I think. It was so much more fun than combo.

Posted 19 October 2012 at 22:12 in reply to #297983 on I...need an adult?


Sorry, it wasn't a suggestion, your deck has the right creatures, and Strangleroot Geist actually wouldn't be good. I was just correcting(*) BrianBell.

Posted 19 October 2012 at 19:20 in reply to #297410 on Eternal Invasion


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