ya, thats why deathtouch on slivers and the ping abilities they can get is just evil
Eh, I just like saying "Hax!"
Fun times, but you may want to put in ethereal armor, W for first strike enchantment and +1/+1 for every enchantment is pretty solid
Hax! You stole my idea! Also, the first link seems to be broken
Added some thoughts. I may be too attached to my zombies X3
Ah, that key word always reminds me of this comichttp://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2009/03/20/in-search-of-a-robust-cosmologyWarning, some minor profanity so be forewarned
ive seen changelings used in scarecrow decks, but that doest really focus on the ability changeling but being another means to get scarecrows out there
I think that is just a concise way of giving a card all creature types and would be on the card type line if it could fit. It would for tribal tho!
Silly, birds swim, fish fly!
think that's a triggered ability, not a static one
there not free mana, they require mana to cast and cant be used right away so there useless for fast combos. Legacy decks pretty much have to win in a few turns or they cant compete in tournaments
Keeping it under 75 can be a bit of an issue. haven't checked gravecrawlers cost recently, but it was 5$ last i checked. I did free up some room on cost so i may add in the lillys for the vengeful. I'll look into that
No, they still would be because they are basically a free extra land drop turn one making any number of stupid things possible
Heh, i got my druids deliverence to stop infect to the face. No combat damage means no poison counters :P
affinity... *shudder* I played back when that was in type 2 (no modern/standard yet) I doubt a block has had so many cards banned as that one.
Interesting deck. Never gave suspend/vanish much thought. Just wondering what your usual win condition is? chronozoa abuse or rushing in the Kraken?
I think my deck posting go lost, but here is a thrown together zombie deck. One of my favorite tribes, just after slivers and among vampires and elves (if not before)http://www.mtgvault.com/daeths/decks/grave-life-zombie-tribal/
funny part is i could change out medowgrain and the 2 spirits for some other knights and have a human tribal theme also. Almost feel like i should take the spirit out for more 2 drops, but i need some flying.
Well i felt compelled to use first strike on every card included since its such an easy keyword to get. Plus daybreak is op as hell and so is ethereal. Hyena is just there to support those two. If i didn't go with first strike only id probably add in a basilisk collar for deathtouch with all that first strike
Almost as good as first strike deathtouch. now that's a pain in the rear. Specially if you have Odric to farce them to block ;D
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