
8 Decks, 15 Comments, 1 Reputation

I can remember the times that these kind of exalted decks ruled at FNM.. I get sad thinking about how often I got beaten.. Does umezawa's jitte add a lot to the deck? Just curious ^^ Oh and maybe path to exile or oblivion ring for a little crowd control? I could use some advice on my black karn control deck, could you take a look and maybe give some tips?

Posted 20 October 2011 at 18:29 as a comment on Amor Manes


I don't think this deck is that bad btw.. Maybe it just misses some removal? Black pwns at removal ^^

Posted 20 October 2011 at 18:03 as a comment on Standard Suicide Black


As an example: I like the combination of Lashwrithe + tormented soul. It get big easy and is unblockable, that's just funny. For more suicide, there are some creatures that make you use lifepoint for +1/+0 etc. AND there is a nice artifact called Soul Conduit, that makes you switch lifepoints! Perhaps another fun combo? Hope it's usefull, comment on my decks as well! ;)

Posted 20 October 2011 at 18:01 in reply to #200224 on Standard Suicide Black


I would suggest a zombie lord for extra damage and for token making. ^^

Posted 03 October 2011 at 19:26 as a comment on Zombie mill


this looks like a fun deck! Would you mind taking a look at my decks?
Thanks! And again, great deck!

Posted 09 June 2011 at 22:15 as a comment on Little Chocolate Donuts


Perhaps thrummingbird? Could give you some easy proliferate! ^^

Posted 15 May 2011 at 22:48 as a comment on Titan Forge


Also, Maybe it's possible to work on some more mana acceleration? Maybe plague myr?

Posted 18 April 2011 at 11:22 in reply to #154511 on Dark Metal


Seems like an awesome deck! I'm going to build something like this myself! I myself thought of maybe some more spot removal? ^^

Posted 18 April 2011 at 11:19 as a comment on Dark Metal


Seems like an awesome deck! I'm going to build something like this myself! I myself thought of maybe some more spot removal? ^^

Posted 18 April 2011 at 11:16 as a comment on Dark Metal


Yeah but since those cards are leaving standard soon, I made this deck based on those out of t2. ^^

Posted 11 September 2010 at 02:28 in reply to #86495 on Goblin T2 Aggro


This is really a nice deck! I like the whole idea of it. I've been working on one myself. I would take out the Child of Night and put in Guul Draz Vampire/Guul Draz Assassin. Those are perhaps a bit weaker, but they are cheaper so demon comes out faster as well. If you're lucky already on turn 2! ;)
Also, if you want to protect your badass killer.. :P maybe then Not of this World is a good idea? Free counter against all kinds of stuff that might kill your 9/9 buddy! ^^
But furthermore this is a awesome idea! Keep up the good work! ;)

Posted 01 August 2010 at 06:09 as a comment on Death's Gate Approaching


Vampires rock! They are the new tribe, can you blame anyone playing them? ^^ And by the way, they even whoop Jund so, maybe that's why some people don't like them haha!

Posted 21 March 2010 at 09:56 in reply to #57821 on New Vampires on the Block


Underworld Dreams would work great in this deck!:)

Posted 21 March 2010 at 09:54 as a comment on Destructive Discarding


I've now added some more sac lands. I don't want more than 4. I'll keep hexmage in sideboard, cause I often play to people who don't use plainswalkers. Anyhow, thanks for the advise! :)

Posted 10 March 2010 at 11:14 in reply to #55633 on Vampiric Control (standard)


This is a nice deck! It works, awesome. I myself play no child of night, but 4 nocturnus, and 3 bloodwitch. If I'd make a suggestion I'd say; maybe take out 2 tutors, and play 1 more sorin? Sanguine is awesome by the way, but I have a slight feeling that perhaps your decks is very mana heavy. ((Not saying it's bad or anything)) Just wondering how fast that works. =)

Keep up the building;)

Posted 08 March 2010 at 04:41 as a comment on Blood Bond (T2 Vampire Combo)
