No problem I would also through a gideon or two in jus so that ur humans are safe fo a few turns
Are you going to side any timelys?
Evan if you get out enough tokens some 1 can jus ratchet bomb them away and then ur creatures are doing damage to you and the get exiled I mean you have to have something to stop ratchet bomb, day and things like that or your going to be taking the damage not your opponent.
Idk if trepidation blad should be in this deck or not.
Do me a favor and take a look at my other decks and tell me what you think.
There's also
Darkslicks go fo 10-15 rite now and copper line iz mad easy 2 get
What if I put a steel hellkite in it
I always pull at least 1-2 darkslicks first hand and the third bout almos mid
If I had more lillys and gideons I would use the but unfountnaly I don't so I have to use what I got