Yeah I will admit that this deck is a mix bag. I tried to make it have multiple abilities for different occasion (milling, bouncing, tapping opponent's creatures/mana, etc.) It sounded good on paper. I just hope it doesn't backfire. I kept Dewdrop Spy because it's a decent creature card for 3 mana, and same goes for Vendilion. I don't mind if the opponent draws one card. I will most likely return it to their hand or destroy it. I saw your deck, and you have good creatures and spells, but I would just stick with regular Island cards. Also, Oona, Queen of the Fae is a great card, but it seems to take a while to get her out. I plan to end the match way before then. What are the 8 cards that I could take out and replace?
Nice. I completely missed that card. Thanks for the tip.