
2 Decks, 5 Comments, 0 Reputation

also to the people that dont see the combo, lol and

Posted 11 January 2010 at 05:43 as a comment on 0 turn win


if this deck is made for vintage then lotus petal is restricted.
if its not for vintage then flash is so very banned.

Posted 11 January 2010 at 05:40 as a comment on 0 turn win


You have 21 creatures that cost 5 or more // 14 of those cost 7 or more,on top of that there are 3 7 costing and 3 5 costing artifacts. i dont think you really need that many win conditions, if you draw 4-5 of them early you are very much hosed.

if you take out 1 of each creature you will be able to go to a standard 60 card deck which should get you a bit better consistency. if you take out another couple of the really big creatures you can stick in a playset of signets or some other mana producers to help you get to your 5-7 drops. this would still leave you with about 11creatures out of 60 that are huge.

even if you dont do any of this though you probably still dont want 4 of a 8 drop legend, by the time you can play him you will probably have at least 2-3 in your hand.

Posted 20 December 2009 at 00:06 as a comment on Phantom Brigade


You have 21 creatures that cost 5 or more // 14 of those cost 7 or more,on top of that there are 3 7 costing and 3 5 costing artifacts. i dont think you really need that many win conditions, if you draw 4-5 of them early you are very much hosed.

if you take out 1 of each creature you will be able to go to a standard 60 card deck which should get you a bit better consistency. if you take out another couple of the really big creatures you can stick in a playset of signets or some other mana producers to help you get to your 5-7 drops. this would still leave you with about 11creatures out of 60 that are huge.

even if you dont do any of this though you probably still dont want 4 of a 8 drop legend, by the time you can play him you will probably have at least 2-3 in your hand.

Posted 20 December 2009 at 00:01 as a comment on Phantom Brigade


i see what you mean, however the group games i play in generally have a more passive approach because the first aggressor will generally be killed of by 3-4 people. In a normal game i would sub out the blightnings for terminates. i would also probably change 2 ambitions and maybe 2 weed strangles for chainers edicts.

as far as your second sentence, i would have liked to put in some mana accel but im really not sure what to change and for which cards so any help on that would be nice.

Posted 11 December 2009 at 23:50 as a comment on Cauldron Dance
