CxR2262... and yes, you can call me Daddddy. and no, I'm not a father. MTG Online Account: BloodStorm2262
Great idea for a deck, and it definitely gets the job done. The only card I would question is the Leyline of Singularity because it seems useless with all the Unsummons and Counterspells, maybe replace it with a fourth counterspell? Maybe replace Crumbling Necropolis with another Consult the Necrosages too since the spells all have such low mana costs. Seriously awesome though, and must be fun watching a player literally throw his game away.
Thanks for the comments. I just want to mention that I made this with cards I have actually collected and I use this as a casual play deck. In regards to the swamps, the idea here is to get a Diabolic Tutor to find Yawgmoth if you have Nightmare. I know its still only a 3/60 chance but Zombie Trailblazer can turn individual lands into swamps by tapping zombies (including himself) if you cannot find Yawgmoth or Diabolic Tutor and have Nightmare. The strategy I have in this deck is to build a huge supply of mana with the Mana Cache's to be used with the X damage Fireball and the X creatures back to life Death Denied or the absurdly powerful Chimeric Staff, as well as using the mana to summon the high cost creatures. The main idea with how I play this deck is to utilize my oppponents, as well as my own, graveyard. Most of the high cost creatures have abilities that allow you to take creatures from any, or an opponents, graveyard and use them as your own. The other high cost creatures are meant to destroy the enemy creatures as to create an opposing graveyard, many of the creatures without graveyard affecting skills have abilities that quickly build up an opponents graveyard full of creatures and That Which Was Taken can keep your creatures alive in the process.. The other units are mostly barbarians and I chose them utilizing Balthor the Stout's ability. Another main point of the deck is to make the most of a unit's unit type. Nightmares, Minions, Barbarians, and Zombies all receive bonuses from other creatures. Chainer can resurrect units as Nightmares, Lim-Dul can resurrect units as Zombies, and Ashes of the Fallen allows you to change your own deceased creature's into whatever unit type you want. Ex/ If you have Greven il-Vec in your graveyard and play Ashes of the Fallen choosing Barbarian you may bring him back to life with Chainer and so long as you have both Balthor the Stout and Chainer in play he will recieve +2/+2.