wow thats a fun card, definately something that would be fun to play with in this deck since i can repicate off of the suspend!
i take back what i said, red is dead
nice deck idea, i like the whole plan of using your general to cast lots of elves, mob up, and either swing for the full damage or jsut the 21 general damage. A couple things that stand out that i might change would be using more cards that give your general trample to reach the 21 general damage. Fists of ironwood and loxodon warhammer would be pretty good. Also you might slip a couple eldrazi into the mix to use with all the mana sitting around in the pool from all the ramp cards. And a Canopy Cover would go a long way to protecting your general from removal spells (lightning greaves would work too). Also, take a look at my EDH deck and see if anything stands out at ya, thanks dude
i wouldnt count red out just yet, with SoM theres bound to be lots of artifacts.. but also a decent ammount of artifact hate
i dont know why people play coat of arms, if you cant swing for lethal with 24 25/25 rats on the field then youre doing it wrong... But if you're insistent on pumping up your own rats even more door of destinies would be a better choice in my opinion because it lets you curve out on turn 4 and 5 from DoD to thrumming stone... and then the eldrazi monument would be played after the rats making the win inevitable
so you could play 4 tectonic and 3 dread STATUARY (sorry about the wrong name) and use pilgrims eye to fetch the other three forests
Swerve wont work on day of judgment at all, day of judgment doenst target anything "Destroy all creatures." so how can the spell be redirected? Also, negate stops every one of those spells listed that would be targeting your kiln tern. Negate is just a better over all "counter".( i ordered the cards =) ill be reporting my findings soon hopefully)
In the sideboard i would switch out swerve for negate, swerve has its moments when it can change the target of a path to exile/terminate from your kiln fiend to an opponents wall of omens or bloodbraid elf but negate also stops things like day of judgement which could lead to a very tough situation for this list. I might also fold a way to incorporate Wrap in Flames as an additional way to find a path through my opponents defenses but i am not sure on that call because if youre playing against some form of a control deck it can become a dead card rather easily (but with a good sideboard plan in game two the card could be easily taken out).But over all i really love this deck, hell, i even have my own version sleeved up and ready to play! and thanks to this list i will be making a few changes to make the deck even more deadly =) over all i really love this deck idea
kiln really doesnt need trample with distortion strike and lightning bolt to get around or blow away any potential blockers
If this deck is running entirely colorless i see no reason not to run 4x tectonic edge and 4x dread sanctuary, they give you more options for your mana and produce the correct mana needed for the deck
at first glance i think vidrulent swipe is unnecessary. with only 3 of your 15 creatures being able to live beyond the turn it was played in a 60 card deck swipe is going to have a hard time finding a target. It seems like a dead card to me. contaminated ground is pretty much a dead card as well, its pretty much two slots that could be used up by a fourth goblin guide and blightning. Also, fetch lands arent that useful in this type of a deck unless its playing something like plated geopede. I would suggest either removing fetch lands as there is no need to take an extra damage unless youre going to do some shinanagas with geopede
This reminds me of my haze deck that i should probobly put up here... It plays for reality strobes and the four hazes and chronozoas. The idea behind it is to blow up your opponents permanents by playing reality acid and bouncing them every turn with strobe. The issue is that its quite vulnerable to fast decks so i generally only play it in two headed. Nice deck though dude, its a really fun to play concept