Thanks alot both
Zaplight, do u even know how the decks works?? U ont need burn cuz of seismic ssault, and walls are useless cuz u never want to cascade into them
ps demigod is sideboard now (side it in vs control where the game tends to be longer)
If your going to play competitive, Figures are a must! jefferson?
I have sctually and in 3 FNMs I have a score of 11-0-1 (Lost that one game to a green-white aggro deck) trust me though, mana is not a problem with this deck
Here's the principle, you get a bunch of tokens, enough to swarm the enemy, then you mirrorweave on the sliver so that all your dudes will have poison 8-9(because they get poison buffed from the opponent's creatures)
need to fix up your lands, basics just wont do in these days...
You need to fix up your lands...this is why I hate shards: if you don't buy all those pricey lands then decks become very inconsistent. Or what you can do is remove all the seaside citadls and add terramorphic expanses that can fetch you the missing color you need and it thins out your deck.
You need more stall such as windborn muse and maybe you can use a goldmeadow harrier to fit the theme of your deck
if you going to run the ultimatum, consider the white hideaway land and yoi need lots of mana accelerators!
I would take out the mimics as well as 1 rafiq for some removal spells such as path which is card too good to pass out on. I know this is an aggro deck but it can still use a negate or 2 just to counter removal/bittrblossom/spectral procession/burn spell.
Don't have too many 1 ofs, this makes the deck inconsistent.
u will not et mana will however get mana pwned, add them zigs and reflecting pools. Looks like fun deck overall
I appreciate the comments and tips, but I'm not running war taxes because this is supposed to be a standard deck. This isn't a hardcore competitive deck, but I'm running the meddling mages, the declarations of naught and the runes halos because I find it amusing to neutralize everything in the opponent's deck. I'll take into consideration de pithing needles and the black however. Thanks again.