huh? is that a card? :b can't find it
Question: does "pay 1 life:" count as you losing life?
Hence why it's labeled "Fun" :b Although I might not get the overkilling combo out there is slightly bigger chance of having a buffed up mycoloth at turn 3, swinging turn 4. If he swings turn 4 and i started there won't be any DoJ. But aye, creature removal is crucial, but most stompydecks are weak against that...
Thanks all for helping me to front page!!!! First deck i've made that ever got there.
/golfclap .......
Mill is too easy to counter, fireball will do the trick since he doesn't need any mountains
Will have a look man! Thanks for commenting
Yeye there is a counter for everything!
Sounds awesome mate! You should really build this deck and post the link here =)
Cool ideas mate! I've been considering coat of arms for some time, but don't really know what to cut for it. Nice to see people are making decks based on this one! Always good to inspire
Thanks mate! I can agree with you on that one, heh... Not suposed to be a very competative deck either. Hence it's labeled Fun :)
Llanovar for birds i can agree with, will make that change. The arbor elf and wild growth sure is nice. Making it possible to cast for 4 mana (harmonize) turn 2. Might even make a stompy deck with blastoderm just to have a 5/5 shroud swinging at turn 3. I agree the strength of tajuru is nice... Especially if mycoloth get's killed. I don't know what to cut for it though... Hopefully some other people will come with suggestions as well. For now: I'll think about it.
Please see updated description! It's now over 60k dmg in six instead of seven turns!!!!
These kind of decks are more for fun though! 20 damage usually is more than enough ;) Do you want exact calculations of this deck? Thanks for commenting btw, spread the word!
Bring in some protections spells! Plenty one cost that gives your creatures protection for some unblockness! Check out and comment my green 40k dmg in turn 7 deck! :)
Another cool combo: Turn 1: Forest -> Arbor elf Turn 2: Forest -> wild growth on untapped forest, tap for 2, untap with arbor, tap for another 2 -> 2x fists of ironwood Turn 3: Gaeas cradle -> tap all lands and tap wild growth land twice (10 mana) -> doubling season and then mycoloth that comes in as a 24/24. Quite good for turn 3 :)
Cool deck mate! I'm trying to do a arcane/spirit deck myself, since i have a lot of those cards. Check out my cool green deck: almost 40k dmg at turn 7
Yep, seems stable and very typical green deck. Should work! Check out my green deck, could deliver almost 40k dmg at turn 7 ;)
I agree with some of the suggestions, and like how you added the oran-reef. However, I'd rather keep the fists instead of the awakening zone, as the mycoloth itself will keep a steady and consistent source of tokens itself + if i have one buffed up mycoloth, i could really use the trample from time to time. I know I have redicelous ramp right now, it's all to be able to pull off the combo described in the title. Almost 40k dmg is quite the over kill, going with your suggestions will make this deck a more stable and competetive deck instead of just a fun deck... Will mage some tweaks, drop in and see what you think! (Arbor elf and wild growth works good together, might remove the birds instead)
gaeas cradle*
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