I've never played red before so I wasn't sure which burn was best so I picked shock (highest damage per mana spent at instant speed). Is there a reason you picked Galvanic Blast over shock, since this deck will never get Metalcraft? If Pillar of Flame wasn't a sorcery I would have picked it, but because it can't be flashbacked with Snapcaster on an opponents turn I figured I'd just sideboard it for decks that like stuff in their graveyard. I'll make some proxies for a few cards I don't have and try out a few versions whenever I can. Thanks for the suggestions.
Too bad you didn't put any colored creatures, or creatures that can gain colors in this deck, like Scuttlemutt. It looks good otherwise.
I've never played vampires before, but noticed a lot of decks use sac lands. What is the benefit of this when you can only search for a swamp?