Good catch, Thanks!
Mantle of the Ancients
rite of replication finale of devastationreef wormScales Fractal Harness visions of dominanceprofane tutorhnagarback walkerwildwood scourgeochre jelly
Inspiring call Ranger ClassPrimal VigorDoubling SeasonDeath’s OasisHydra’s GrowthElite ScaleguardLoyal GuardianBasri’s Lieutenant
Looks good maybe polymorph, jalira master polymorphist, or a hideaway land as an alternate way to sneak the blightsteels out?
First and foremost, thanks so much for your comment Bfrick2!The only card I have in the deck from the khans block are the 3 Pitiless Horde's which are from the last set Dragons of Tarkir which didn't rotate with khans or fate reforged when SOI came out. I did consider all 4 of the cards you recommended and I do still have Lightning Axe in the back of my mind if after a few playtests it seems I need some spot removal. I decided against Fiery Temper because of the double red cost as I'm only running 9 red sources of mana and I didn't want it clogging up my hand if I didn't have a discard outlet. Tormenting Voice was originally in my maybeboard because I do think it is very underrated but I decided this wasn't the right fit for it since I have such low powered creatures for the most part and 3 is the end of my mana curve so I felt it would slow me down most matches. Call the bloodline is another one I went back and forth on though but I ultimately decided I couldn't completely depend on the Gorger to really get good use out of it and I replaced it for the Infectious Bloodlust to put the deck over the top with aggression.
Maybeboard:Stoneforge MasterworkStensia MasqueradeZurgo BellstrikerFoul-tounge ShriekGraveblade MarauderSparkmage's gambitShadows of the pastThornbow Archer
I'd say so, especially considering the low number of wastes.
Dreamborn muse & some reanimate effects and you're golden!
Sky Scourer seems more aggressive than Slaughter Drone here.
Siege Rhino is the Displacer's best friend. Thragtusk if you ever bring it modern.
Looks solid. Maybe devoted druid and quillspike in the sideboard?If money permits Archangel of thune and spikefeeder could be a third infinite combo.
Looks like an awesome red green budget deck. The only thing I would include would be rancor over tread upon if money permits.
Any comments, concerns, likes or recommendations are greatly appreciated.
I've been seeing Relic of Progenitus pop up more and more in the MTGO meta lately it may be a good option over leyline of the void. I think the Urborg's are a great addition to get the Obliterator's on the field
Yeah I wasn't really considering the thragtusk popping up with dark confidant I agree with your decision to take them out. Love the addition of Lili of the Veil. She worked wonders in my green/black control deck. If you ever make a higher mana variant of this deck. Lili followed by Garruk relentless followed by Vraska is really fun and they all have removal attached to them. As for dredge its not that scary and can always be boarded out and will be the goyfs best friend all the while holding the field with deathtouch and flying until you draw one of your bombs. Treetop Village is also a great addition that I didn't notice before. Should have liked your deck last time but it certainly gets it this time.
This deck looks awesomesauce! WIsh I had the money for the goyfs and dark confidants I would love to run something like this. I prefer Ulvenwald Tracker to prey upon. He is a 1 drop that either gives you great board control or flushes a kill card which they would have otherwise used on your goyf or obliterator.Maybe stinkweed imp or ambush viper over Obstinate Baloth or Golgari Charm. I find Golgari Charm often just sits in my hand and is a better sideboard option. Thragtusk mainboard over the charms is also very viable.
This deck often wins without it's combos and is fully functional as an aggressive early game deck. Against control decks Devoted Druid and Quillspike come out and Rancor and Return to the Ranks come in
If you are willing to put a little money into this deck, Ugin can easily lock down their entire board especially when he hits around turn 4 in your deck.
Sideboard in Archangel of Thune and Spike Feeder if the games are a bit longer for a second possible 2 card infinite combo to search for with Fauna Shaman.
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