<center><a href="http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/pick-your-poison-bant-infect-hexproof-v00/vote-up/?rc=True"><font color="white" size=8>+1 Upvote!</font></a></center>
Why bother poisoning your opponent when you can just beat face? Isn't it fun to force your opponent to conserve life against an infect deck out of fear of being blugeoned by [[Geist of Saint Traft]]? Will you win by handing out ten poison counters, or by bringing their life total to zero? This deck gives you that option.
<font size=6><b>Introduction</b></font>
This deck utilizes the infect mechanic as its primary win condition. Instead of the typical method of winning by lowering the opponent's life total to zero, this deck utilizes poison counters to secure the win. Any player with ten or more poison counters will lose the game, and infect creatures will deal damage in the form of poison counters instead of lowering the opponent's life total. I've chosen this method because poison counters cannot be removed at all (except by [[Leeches]], an incredibly old and obscure card that isn't modern legal), meaning that right from the start of the game, i've not only halved my opponent's life total, i've also effectively nullified any life gain they may or may not have. This greatly simplifies the game on my end, since now all i have to worry about is solving a simple problem: How do i deal ten damage to my opponent before i die myself? I've got many different archetypes and subtypes and prototypes for infect decks which showcase different strategies, some of which i'll list below.
<b>[[deck:nice-life-total-bro-simic-infect-v80]]</b>: Your typical Simic infect build which uses cheap pump and protection to deal damage. It's very similar to this deck.
<b>[[deck:behold-blessed-perfection-golgari-poison-v01]]</b>: A Golgari build featuring [[Phyrexian Crusader]] and some alternative strategies.
<b>[[deck:poisons-identity-crisis-naya-infectburn-v04]]</b>: A deck i built in an attempt to strengthen the main infect strategy, while adding in red to introduce a burn strategy if straight infect doesn't cut it.
Now, i recently came across an infect build with a new idea in the sideboard:
Now, i've been in way too many Game 2's where opponents have used their fetchlands, shocklands, and [[Dismember]]'s in an attempt to match the incredible speed of straight infect while removing my creatures. After all, this deck is completely helpless without its creature base, and often times, i just don't have the ability to protect my creatures before they eat removal, and many times, my opponent has brought themselves to 15, 12, or even 8 life in a mad attempt to destroy my game plan with targeted or untargeted removal. So at this point, i'd much rather just win by lowering their life total down to 0. I attempted to remedy this problem in my Naya build, but the entire build was incredibly fragile and janky.
<center><i>Enter Geist of Saint Traft.</i>
<img src="http://magiccards.info/scans/en/isd/213.jpg" /></center>
This card is incredibly powerful. An effective 6 power on each swing, plus built-in hexproof for protection, make the Geist very difficult to overcome. Infect already has a good evasion package, in the form of [[Rancor]], [[Distortion Strike]], and [[Apostle's Blessing]], meaning blockers won't be that much of a problem. This card, along with [[Invisible Stalker]], allows me to switch to a damage-based strategy if i find it to be more effective.
<font size=6><b>Cards</b></font>
The cards that i've included in my deck, and the purposes they serve.
<font size=4><i><b>Infectors</b></i></font>
I've done my best to choose the best and most relevant infect creatures available to me in these colors.
<b>[[Glistener Elf]] –</b> Mandatory in any infect deck using green.
<b>[[Blighted Agent]] –</b> Unblockable infect damage? Exactly what this deck is looking for.
<b>[[Ichorclaw Myr]] –</b> Included because the +2/+2 ability is extremely relevant in the early game, as it makes opponents think twice about blocking. Really only in here because i can't have more [[Blighted Agent]]'s or [[Glistener Elf]]'s.
<b>[[Necropede]] –</b> Infect's chump blocker. The -1/-1 counter is occasionally handy. Once again, only in here because i can't have more [[Blighted Agent]]'s or [[Glistener Elf]]'s.
<b>[[Inkmoth Nexus]] –</b> This land creature comes in handy a lot more than you might think. Uncounterable and immune to any sorcery-speed removal.
<font size=4><i><b>Pumps</b></i></font>
I've tried making my pump list as varied as possible, utilizing a wide variety of possible pumps to make the best out of their strengths.
<b>[[Groundswell]] –</b> Budget alternative to [[Might of Old Krosa]] which i use because i find landfall is easier to achieve and more versatile, since i can give a +4/+4 boost during combat, for example.
<b>[[Rancor]] –</b> Permanent +2 power boost, with some evasion and much needed card advantage. I've won many a game by simply slapping this on [[Inkmoth Nexus]] and letting it bounce to my hand at end of turn.
<b>[[Vines of Vastwood]] –</b> This is an always-triggered [[Groundswell]] with untargetability included. I'd much rather pay an extra G and not only ensure the +4 pump, but also grant some protection as well.
<b>[[Pendelhaven]] –</b> Recurring pump built into a land. This is extremely useful, and the toughness boost is incredibly relevant to keeping your creature alive. Make sure to use this land before any other pumps!
<b>[[Noble Hierarch]] –</b> This removal magnet not only provides pump to a single creature (which it's not unheard of to be attacking with just one creature), but it also gives some much-needed mana acceleration. This creature would allow you to, for example, cast a [[Blighted Agent]] and a [[Glistener Elf]] on turn 2, making it much more difficult for your opponent to remove both creatures.
<b>[[Distortion Strike]] –</b> The +1/+0 buff is incredibly relevant. This is two poison counters split over two turns, or it can mean the difference between 9 and 10 poison counters when used with two +4 buffs.
<font size=4><i><b>Protection</b></i></font>
As with all my other cards, my protection spells may also serve other purposes if needed.
<b>[[Apostle's Blessing]] –</b> The most versatile protection spell i've ever seen printed. Granting a creature protection from <i>artifacts</i> does come in handy, especially when dealing with an opposing [[Wurmcoil Engine]].
<b>[[Vines of Vastwood]] –</b> Green's counterspell of choice. It's incredibly relevant that this card does NOT grant hexproof; for example, Vines cast on an opposing [[Spellskite]] makes their Spellskite unable to eat any of my other spells for the turn.
<b>[[Spell Pierce]] –</b> This counterspell in the mainboard (yes, i mainboard counters) really pulls its own weight. I use it to counter removal, sure, but i've also used it to counter opposing [[Living End]], [[Summer Bloom]], [[Splinter Twin]], and other kinds of combo decks. Also comes in handy in counterspell wars, and to punish a player who taps out to play their [[Karn Liberated]]. This counterspell is <i>always</i> relevant.
<font size=4><i><b>Evasion</b></i></font>
This section deals with cards that guarantee the opponent will be receiving the damage. Blue is the king of unblockable (as evidenced by [[Distortion Strike]] and [[Aqueous Form]]), and this really helps us push damage through.
<b>[[Rancor]] –</b> Trample is very relevant, especially in the late game when you are just trying to push that last bit of damage through.
<b>[[Distortion Strike]] –</b> Straight up unblockable. The buff comes in handy, but the rebound is what makes this card shine. One mana gives you two turns, two spells, and two power, basically. It's quite unfair, but hey, blue as a color is unfair.
<b>[[Apostle's Blessing]] –</b> Most decks only feature creatures of a single color. Choosing protection from that color also makes your creature unblockable by their army for the tun.
<b>[[Blighted Agent + Inkmoth Nexus]] –</b> Built-in evasion works wonders against most decks.
<font size=4><i><b>Utility</b></i></font>
These cards help give the deck the resiliency and flexibility that most infect decks to not have.
<b>[[Spell Pierce]]:</b> Using this card on an opposing [[Living End]] on the stack feels <i>really</i> good.
<b>[[Noble Hierarch]]:</b> Green mana accel that also pumps your creatures. This card allows you to cast [[Apostle's Blessing]] using white mana instead of two life if you really want/need to, and also helps enable some sideboard options.
<b>[[Gitaxian Probe]]:</b> Two life for a peek at your opponent's hand <i>and</i> another card? Sounds like a good deal.
<font size=4><i><b>Lands</b></i></font>
I've got a fancy land base for this deck. The utility lands included are often the cornerstone for victory in this deck.
<b>[[Forest + Island]] –</b> I've included some basics to be fetched, and in the case of a successful [[Path to Exile]].
<b>[[Misty Rainforest + Windswept Heath]] –</b> Don't forget that you can fetch basics with these lands!
<b>[[Breeding Pool]] –</b> Because donkey balls.
<b>[[Inkmoth Nexus]] –</b> The man land that really makes this deck shine. I've won many games with this land creature.
<b>[[Pendelhaven]] –</b> A green source that doubles as a repeatable pump. The only downside is that it's not fetchable.
<font size=4><i><b>Sideboard</b></i></font>
I've adjusted these cards to fit my particular meta.
<b>[[Ajani's Presence]] –</b> A recent addition to the sideboard, which is only really relevant against board wipes. If this doesn't make the cut, then i'll just replace it with [[Path to Exile]]. This deck could seriously use some creature removal anyway.
<b>[[Nature's Claim]] –</b> One mana gets rid of [[Blood Moon]], [[Oblivion Stone]], [[Cranial Plating]], and just about any sort of utility your opponents may have. The life gain is irrelevant, of course. May also be used on your own [[Ichorclaw Myr]] if you're really desperate.
<b>[[Geist of Saint Traft]] –</b> I've already explained the purpose of this card in the sideboard. A big, cheap beater with built-in protection in case the infect strategy fails.
<b>[[Invisible Stalker]] –</b> An alternative to [[Geist of Saint Traft]] which i've included due to its cheaper and easier casting cost, and its non-legendary status.
<b>[[Temple Garden]] –</b> I'll need white to cast the Geist, won't i? Swap a basic forest with this if necessary.
<b>[[Dryad Arbor]] –</b> Fetchable creature to use as insurance against [[Liliana of the Veil]], or as an emergency beater if necessary.
<b>[[Spell Pierce]] –</b> In case i'd really like to see a counterspell in my opening hand.
<font size=6><b>Synergies</b></font>
Whie this deck is not a true combo deck, there are various card combinations that go hand in hand well.
<b>[[Inkmoth Nexus + Rancor]] –</b> Rancor's recursion allow it to be re-cast on Inkmoth as many times as you'd like.
<b>[[Dryad Arbor + Pendelhaven]] –</b> Most people don't see this coming. Remember that Dryad Arbor is a 1/1 creature and can receive Pendelhaven's toughness boost!
<font size=6><b>Suggestions</b></font>
Other cards that i have or am considering for inclusion. Some have been turned down, while others may find their way in.
<font size=4><i><b>Accepted</b></i></font>
<font size=4><i><b>Possible</b></i></font>
<font size=4><i><b>Declined</b></i></font>