Check out my third-round-win combo :)
Yeah, I thought about it, it would go well with Death's Shadow. I will add it to the Sideboard I think, as the current sideboard is just a quick whip up.
You should consider adding Xenograft to keep your Lord alive. Anyways, I like the new Illusion tribal and would like to see some more coming. Also, if you want, check out my aggro deck:
Mycosynth Wellspring could help with mana acceleration as it is colorless. And if you want the full effect, you could add some Phyrexia's Core's to gain a life and another land. RWG Rage extractor deck, still in experiment phase.
I would consider adding Eater of days just to add more possibilities and also a early flyer if you're stuck without Emrakul. Though, of course, if someone is mean enough to destroy your orb as you cast him, it could cost you the game.
Thank you for the advice, I hadn't thought about ponder and will consider adding it in the future. As this is a deck I own physically, I can't add cards which I don't own, yet. :)