Oh yeah, shouldn't this deck be called Abzan Red or Angry Abzan? ;)
Something I found that was awesome with Butcher of the Horde was the Flamewake Phoenix, I always brought it back up just to sacrifice it, it would work well with Grim Haruspex and maybe even with Nantuko Husk. ;)
I'm SO gonna try this one, haha. XD
Well, I don't have a really good view on todays standard meta, but I can tell that this deck looks decent enough for someone to hate meeting it. You could also build a land hate deck, it is hilarious, I've actually seen one this standard and I laughed quite a bit! Plus, it's super cheap! :P :D XD
Aye, the test draw on this site doesn't work, all test drawings I've done, even with official decks just to test it, have been clunky.
@FadedHerbivoreIs this better? I'm still bad with lands. And yes, I try to stay as budget as possible.Thank you very much for all those advice, though. :)
I'd love some advice on how I can make this deck... better? Just stay to the theme and colors.
Anyways, what I "tried" to accomplish with this was a control deck that was build around Akoum Stonewaker. Which failed. So, yeah.
Did you see the very... unserious name? ;D
We like to delve our way into your defence. ;)
Yepp. I was too tired to think that far. ^^
I know, I just threw something together when I was bored, like I do with all decks. I'm more after his second ability rather than the first.
Genesis Wave is a bit too expensive for this deck, and Beastmaster Ascention is by all means a very good card but this deck must start already at 1st turn and win 3rd turn(actually did it a few times), BA slows it down when you can put out creatures instead. That's how I see on it. Thanks for the tips, though. Might add any of them for the v2. :3 :) :Þ :D
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