You're only allowed to have 4 vault of whispers in a deck boss. Sorry it's the rules. You're only allowed more than 4 of basic lands and i think some kind of rat creature from the dark.
This is a net-deck. I've seen this deck 100 times, it works pretty well, people used to use it all the time back in the mirrodin block with chalice of the void. I was only able to beat it with my old school sly.
If this isn't a type 2 deck, put in wirewood pride over giant growth. If you can get them more Nissa Revane, have at least 3. And one a lot of people don't know is Titania's Chosen (great elf card). If you want to see my elf deck this is how my real one is actually built:
no goblin grenade?
Sinkholes, it MUST HAVE SINK HOLES if you can afford them. And Challice of the Void
What about lightning bolts? shocks?
21-28 of 28 items