There is good, and there is bad here. You have a great idea and direction, just need help with card choices: 1) 4 Sleeps is way too many, I would suggest dropping down to 2 instead. You don't want to see 2 or more sleeps in your opening hand. 2) Misstep is a funny card, but Sleep is far better. 3) Norn's annex is a bit useless in this deck, since your goal should be "tap all the creatures", the walls of Frost and Denial serve you well if your tap control is not in hand. 4) Ghostly Touch is amusing, but I would rather op for 2 Frost Breath. It's an instant so you can react to the attack step, tap down those nasty creatures you don't want swinging. Or you could use it on the offensive and tap down two creatures before they can be declared blockers. 5) I would suggest Dropping Narcolepsy entirely for more land. You have a lot of high costing stuff in your deck (Sleep, Gideon, Sunblast, Tam and Titans) and you will want to see a land every turn. So in total: Going out: -1 Norn's Annex, -2 Sleep, -4 Narcolepsy, -2 Ghostly Touch, -1 Misstep +1 Wall of Frost, +3 Wall of Denial, +2 Frost Breath, +4 lands Hope this helps :)
Unfortunately while her ability is great for reanimator, she kinda sucks in this version, like my own. She's one of the very first cards I side out in any matchup. I would say you only need one of both, not two of one. Even with just one of the card, I find Drawing Elesh, Grave, and Wurm (all one ofs in my deck) frequent because of splinter fright, and you have mulch back up so you'll have an easy time getting them in hand or graveyard.
May I perhaps suggest -1 Sheoldred for +1 Elesh Norn? It helps with late game board controle, if they would ever recover from a DoJ, but it also protects your splinterfrights from Nihil Spell bomb. Not to mention Elesh makes your 2/2 wolves from Kessig really really scary 4/4s, and your wurm coil tokens into 5/5s! Just a suggestion, tell me how ya do.
Like your variant! Hope it does well :)
I'd get 4 x Elite Vanguard so you can have 8 total turn 1 drops, dropping 2x Journey Nowhere (could place them in Sideboard). Other than that, Main board looks solid :) Might need a little more land but I think you can do with 20
Lord as in +1/+1, then most soldier lords are pretty retarded. Captain of the watch Field Marshall (+1/+1 AND first strike to other soldiers) Daru Warcheif (+1/+2 and makes soldiers cheaper) As stated all of the Shadow Moore Lieges, And the Lorwyn tribal lords out of those Timber protector is retarded, especially if you use Life and Limb + A whoooooole bunch of saprolings. -Play Timber Protector- I win! -Play a second one- I win again!
I remember doing this, gave gorgon flail to a first striker knight, fun stuff. I believe we should call this "Death Strike", more appropriate :D