
1 Deck, 6 Comments, 0 Reputation

Some card suggestions - Tomb Hex is an excellent quick kill for some annoying creatures, as is Disfigure and Smother. I use them in my black/blue control/denial deck, and they are absolute field dominators for the first 5-6 rounds.

I would also suggest adding in some large creatures (over 10/10) such as Emrakul, Kozilek, Ulamog and maybe a Darksteel Colossus.

For a bit more (colourless) mana to get those big fellas out, I would suggest some Dreamstone Hedrons, which (IMO) are excellent mana ramps.

Posted 24 June 2010 at 07:02 as a comment on Mono Black Control Eldrazi


When have you ONCE got an indestructible platinum angel? I've never seen one last more than 3 turns in any of my matches...

Posted 11 June 2010 at 01:04 as a comment on esper deck wins


Dude look at the Mana Curve, and hell, out of the last 7 matches I've played, I've had Emrakul out in 5 of them...

Posted 11 June 2010 at 01:01 as a comment on Black Control/Eldrazi


Seems pretty solid, as it appears to be based around preventing damage until you get some big beefy creatures such as Akroma and (literally) Deathless Angel. Another Deathless and an Akroma would go a long way, as would a second Luminarch Ascension. The everflowing Chalice is good IMHO. Just one more thing: If you ever have just one of a creature, its better to have two or three. One is just leaving a 1 in 56 chance of getting it per draw, and tbh, I dont like uneven bets.

Posted 10 June 2010 at 06:28 as a comment on White Control


Alright, so first off, kill the doom blades and add two more blood tributes IMO. Why bother with the hexmages if you're going to have Anowon and Drana out, so kick them and add more Legendaries. Needs more Blade of the Bloodcheifs in a vamp/destroy deck. Kalastria Highborns are good, but not that good when you only get so many creatures out. A combo with Drana and Anowon would be good here, so I would suggest some ways of getting tokens out simply to kill them in order to make enemies lose life. Maybe a Sorin Markov or two wouldn't be so bad either. As for the sideboard, why would u bother with ONE halo hunter and A single mutilate? In a 60-card deck with no way of tutoring certain cards around, it would be almost never used.

All in all, a good deck, but could use a bit of rearranging.

Posted 10 June 2010 at 06:19 as a comment on Vampires


What happened to Thraximundar? That would've been a great addition to this deck, due to his sacrifice first then hit tactic, something that I fell would've fallen in well with this deck. Also, it needs something with a bit of ooph, pretty much any assasin with either a counter system or something that is over 5/5.
This is all just my opinion, but all in all, great deck for mate vs mate playing.

Posted 18 March 2010 at 06:51 as a comment on The True Assassin...
