good suggestion thanks:]
i could sideboard that until i see what i can take out, speaking of sideboards anyone have any suggestions for side board? Besides bureton forge tender because thats a must
anyone got any ideas for a sideboard?
yeah, im kinda on a budget with this one so i dont know if ill be able to get the arid mesa or the sacred foundry. What about battlefield forge? i id be gaining life back with meadow grain and ajani's helix ability. Once i save up ill be looking at foundrys and arid mesa, and possibly rugged praire
Wow havent seen that card, that card is great...what would you suggest taking out?
I like the red because its faster removal than oblivian ring, also since im trying to overpower with lots of creatures, i can use ajani vengeant to tap down my opponents large creatures. I also think i have enough pump up spells between the playset of wizened cenn's and the honor of the pure.
Thanks for the feedback, I had battlefield forge in just because i had a way to gain the life back. I'm not to familiar with innastrad and i didnt know they had new, better multicolored lands. I'm definately gonna throw in the clifftop retreats.
this deck looks very agressive, im curious to see how it would fare against my rw kithkin build, check it out...feel free to make suggestions
this deck looks agressive with the right amount of control, it seems like you know what your doing when you deck build. Would you check out my deck..its red white. red for control white for agression. feel free to make suggestions.
nice aggro knight bro, i have a weenie deck myself id like to see how it does against this check it out, im open to suggestions
im a huge fan of white weenie deck, this one is awesome..check out my kithkin build im open to suggestions
thanks for the help! ill take those cards into consideration
nice deck i made a deck kind of like this with meddling mage and cards to blink him, no venser tho..check it out tell me what you think
alright thanks, i wasn't sure with wellwisher..i just assumed that it was a staple in an elf deck.
nice deck! i made a meddling mage deck that i really need help on, check it out,
hey great elf deck, mind helping me with mine?
Your tribes are great, could you help me out with my elf open to anysuggestions
Nevermore is perfect, what other creatures do you think i should add instead mist meadow and flicker wisp? could some one help me with my meddling mage control deck?
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