
18 Decks, 39 Comments, 0 Reputation

Welcome to possibly the best format of MtG. I play EDH casually with friends, but it's great fun. I personally think your curve is too high. Even with mana accelerants they're easily destroyed in this format, especially multiplayer. Damnation is a must, so is Vampiric Tutor. Necropotence is also very good, as is Cabal Coffers, Oversold Cemetery, Grave Pact and Skullclamp. Also, who is your general? It's standard practice to put your general in the sideboard so people can see easily. If it's Sheoldred, I would also suggest Urborg to make everyone elses land swamps.

Posted 13 November 2012 at 10:38 as a comment on My first EDH idea. (Help please)


I've only played against Slivers once and can't really remember what they used. Best removal spells for EDH are Swords to Plowshares, Path to Exile and Condemn. I think you're a little too anti-flyer. Why not have a couple of decent spells that combat flyers and use tutors instead of the others? That way if you're not playing alot of flyers or have one of your decent cards out you can tutor for something else.

Posted 27 June 2012 at 22:50 as a comment on Sliver EDH- All your creatures are belong to us.


Ps. And drop the deck by 36 cards. ;)

Posted 19 June 2012 at 12:01 in reply to #266056 on EDH Gisela Burn


I've never found Burn to be that great in EDH, especially when it's a 3-4 player game. Anything your opponents have that put Gisela on the bottom of your deck will nerf the burn spells even more. I would stick with the aggro side of things. I'm sure there's lots of other decent spells folk could suggest, but I always like Luminarch Ascension in white. Also look into Enlightened Tutor, Sacred Foundry, Arid Mesa, Iona, Shield of Emeria, this list goes on. And anything that can add to your card draw is massive.

Posted 19 June 2012 at 12:00 as a comment on EDH Gisela Burn


If you're playing on a budget then pick and choose my suggestions. In any deck of these colours these cards are pretty much essential. Swords to Plowshares, Path to Exile, Condemn, Damnation, Demonic Tutor, Wrath of God, the 3 pain lands, the original multilands, sac lands, Necropotence, Vampiric Tutor, Enlightened Tutor. Quicksilver Amulet and Deathrender would also help you. Gisela is a must in this deck.

Posted 14 June 2012 at 16:31 as a comment on Kaalia EDH


Thanks for the comments. This deck looks really good fun. You seem to have everything that takes advantage of Feed the Pack, let's just hope you pull it :)

Posted 25 May 2012 at 19:12 as a comment on Fat Kid Needs His Cake


I would changed Gauntlet of Power and swap in Caged Sun as the former also helps your opponents creatures and mana ramp. Also I would change your lands to Snow Covered Swamps for the very same reason with Extraplanar Lens.

Posted 27 April 2012 at 14:49 as a comment on EDH Relentless Rats


Yeah, I have an EDH deck with her in as well. Phyrexian Arena, Mind's Eye are always staples. Debtor's Knell and Oversold Cemertery for reanimation as well.

Posted 21 April 2012 at 23:59 in reply to #249000 on Kaalia of the Slaughter


You might want to consider cards like Quicksilver Amulet and Deathrender to help get high cost stuff into play.

Posted 21 April 2012 at 23:51 as a comment on Kaalia of the Slaughter


Does anyone actually run Leyline of Sanctity in modern though? Pyromancer's Ascension and the new rare red curse are pretty good too.

Posted 16 March 2012 at 18:37 in reply to #241736 on Modern burn


Faithless Looting is always worth considering. At least you can always discard land to draw more burn spells.

Posted 16 March 2012 at 17:02 as a comment on Modern burn


I like to run Pulse Trackers and Viscera Seer. If you have them Bloodghast :)

Posted 03 March 2012 at 17:48 as a comment on Mono Black Vampires


How can you not have Grave Pact in a sacrifice deck!? :O lol

Posted 20 December 2011 at 14:35 as a comment on Skullbriar EDH


Kalastria Highborn? I never play my vamps with her :D

Posted 05 December 2011 at 16:43 as a comment on Vampire tribal


It saves you about $30 as well. :) I would be tempted to drop Mana Leak, as paying (3) isn't a huge thing in this format. Counterspell would probably be better. Also, you may want to consider Copy Artifact and/or Sculpting Steel.

Posted 11 November 2011 at 16:52 in reply to #213837 on Artificer EDH


PS. Tempered Steel seems like a natural inclusion in here as well. :)

Posted 11 November 2011 at 16:01 in reply to #213831 on Artificer EDH


Looks good. Are you aware that Tinker and Tolarian Academy are both banned in EDH?

Posted 11 November 2011 at 15:36 as a comment on Artificer EDH


I would try and add a couple of Wraths of God into this, especially since your Exemplar makes all other night indestructable. I also really like the effects of Hero of Bladehold, so would probably use that over the Balefire Leige. I'm still a magic novice, so others may have better suggestions for you. :)

Posted 09 September 2011 at 10:41 as a comment on White Knights


If I was you I would drop the Frontier Guides for Sylvan Rangers, drop the Glistener Elves as they detract from what you're trying to do. And you might want to include some Oran-Rief to help boost your Warcallers. Take a look at my Elf deck for ideas

Posted 17 August 2011 at 16:43 as a comment on Pure Elf Mayhem


I think you need to find room for Doubling Season, Rhys the Redeemed and a Primordial Hydra.

Posted 16 August 2011 at 09:13 as a comment on Karador Commander


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