I think Decimator Web is too expensive, in this deck it's not hard to get the first counter. If I have 1 swamp, and 1 Virulent Wound in my hand, you play you're first creature, that normally won't have more than 1 resistance, and you get the counter... If not Inkmoth Nexus. At my second turn a flying creature, normally that won't get blocked.... Thanks for your help!
Ok, I'm taking out 2 last rites for 2 Brink of Madness...
Your wrong about me not having enough swamps for cabal coffers to be effective... Remember Underground Sea and Watery Grave are swamps, so that makes 14 swamps out of 20 lands... About the glees I think you're right I'm taking 2 for Gibbering Descent... Thank you for your help!
I had already seen grave scrabbler, I couldn't fit it in the deck... The same with Dark Withering, I just don't have cards that could be taken out for it... I'm willing to make up space for Brink of Madness, what would you suggest I take out?
Gibbering Descent would solve the problem, the only thing is that it's expensive... What would you suggest I take out?
Oh, ok then...
But wait it's been re-edited isn't 2010 Core Set Standard? I don't know because I always play all sets...
You got to be careful about mass removal (ex: damnation, black sun's zenith) but it's cool, great mana curve, maybe you could go easy on the lands and add some other cards because this is really smooth. Nice deck!
I'm thinking Spellbook, or are you thinking standard? I had a similar deck idea too... It's cool, nice mana curve...
This deck would be awesome in multiplayer...
Also nice mana curve!
Always liked the mono-black decks! Terramorphic expanse should be replaced by some other fetchland like verdant catacombs or marsh flats, because terra... can only fetch basic lands, in this case swamps, but the ones I suggested look for swamp, so you can get swamp or Leechriden swamp!
Yes, and it shuffles the deck. This was a dumb question, I'm sorry, well you never stop learning is all I can say!
I agree...Drawn a picachu at the end of a philosophy test today saying: "This is my fail attempt at doing a picachu, if I don't get a good grade it will Jolt" PS: I think it will Jolt... I'm Lost...
I would replace Daggerback basilisk for Thornweald archer
And thanks for commenting on my decks XD
I was making a deck around Deathbringer Liege too... I'll suggest the following cards I have in that deck: Gwyllion Hedge-Mage Nip Gwyllion ( This would fill the 1 mana spot, you have nothing there) Evershrike Angel of Despair Castigate Gerrard's verdict
I had that in mind but I think 5 is to much... Thanks for the input!
I think you should replace sphere of the suns with something more useful because you only need 2 colour and you've got various lands producing both so... Maybe those ratchet bombs in the sideboard, or phyrexian revoker... I'm also using tezzy and inkmoth in a fun deck i made now... It's a creatureless infect... http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=151032 Go check it out if you want..
Yeah just noticed that entomb doesn't work... I'm replacing it with countersquall.. Tezzeret is here because with it I can "seek" for mimic vat and also untap it, I know I'm not using the 100% of it's capacities but still I'm using 66,66%
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