I like this as a budget Jund, but if I were you I would drop the Hackblades. They are only going to be a Turn 3 hasty 3/2 at the earliest and only with a T2 leech. I have been using Nest Invaders as another 2 drop that lets me hit Turn 3 Bloodbraid, kicked ruinblaster or Vengevine, which is pretty insane. I might throw in some rampant growths, like 2, just to fix your mana as you dont have fetches and you need all 3 colors early cause thrinax is awesome. I would drop Jund panorama too. Maybe terramorphics instead? Just some ideas.
Thanks Irrelevant, this is an update on a Vaults deck that top 8ed PT: SD. Wall of Omens makes it way better against aggro. Im still not sure about the UW matchup.