Win Condition:
Cast Enduring Ideal; Play Paradox Haze.
1st upkeep = 2nd Haze, 3rd upkeep = 4th Haze, 4th upkeep = 1st Copy Enchantment targeting Haze, 7th upkeep = 4th Copy. This = 9 upkeeps total.
These leaves you 2 extra upkeeps, 8th upkeep play Second Chance, 9th upkeep play Form of the Dragon reducing the your HP to 5 in responce, sacrifice Chance to get a 2nd turn.
Next Turn: 1st upkeep = 2nd Dragon, 3rd upkeep = 4th Dragon, 4th upkeep = Gravity Sphere, 5th upkeep = Leyline of Sanctity, 6th upkeep = Privileged Position, 7th upkeep = Enchanted Evening, 8th upkeep = 2nd Chance, 9th upkeep = Quest for Ancient Secrets then sacrifice 2nd Chance, Quest +1 counter (1).
5+10+15+20+20+20+20+20+20 = 150 damage.
Next Turn: 1st upkeep = 1st Serra's Liturgy, 2nd upkeep = 2nd Position,1st Liturgy +1 counter (1), 3rd upkeep = 2nd Quest, 1st Liturgy +1 counter (2), 4th upkeep = 3rd Chance, 1st Liturgy +1 counter (3), 4th upkeep = Dovescape, 1st Liturgy +1 counter (4), and so on....
20+20+20+20+20+20+20+20+20+20+20 = 180 damage.
You cannot be the target of spells or abilities, creatures cannot attack you, your permenents may not be the target of spells or abilities, all spells your opponents cast are countered, you may sacrifice a Liturgy to destroy any number of your opponents permenents and you may take infinite turns dealing 180 damage between 36 targets.
Serum Powder for Enduring Ideal in starting hand.
Vein, Farm, Petal and Prism for speed mana = 3rd Turn cast of Ideal.