Thank you for the kind honesty in complimenting my deack, 'grins' for truely mimicry is the sincerest form of flattery. Well done on your own version.
Thank you for the praise, and I agree it has minimal options prior to casting Ideal, but I intended for it to be casual play. Good luck, I will gladly take time to peruse your creation.
'flips a coin' About 50% of the time! 'grins'
Gamble lets you fetch the missing combination peice. Goblin Bomb acquires counters during your upkeep, Krark's Thumb increases the probability you will get your 5 counters, and Paradox Haze increases the quantity of upkeeps to expidite the process. Desperate Gambit ensures that even if your opponent has life gain, the 20 damage from Goblin Bomb can increase exponentially. Ivory Tower lets you gain life by not playing cards, once you have a modicum of lands in play, the rest are better help to hold for life gain during your upkeep. Reliquary Tower gives you infinite hand size and Paradox Haze gives you additional upkeeps. Squee's Revenge if I have a Thumb active can easily give 4 cards, and if the situation is critical 6 is a possibility. A Squee's Revenge followed by a Stitch in Time can turn 4 life into large life gain. Fossil Find more fits the theme than any real help, but still is alot of fun. Since Gamble, Fossil Find and Goblin Bomb all require your opponent to participate by deciding what to discard blindly from your hand, blindly re-acquire from your graveyard and what to call a shiny coin in a flip; The game has inherent personnal interest for both players.
Sorry, my ability to navigate this website... May I suggest Withering Wisps and Snow Covered Swamps? And to control your white mana, Evolving WIlds and Terramorphic Expanse? Finally, how about Souls of the Faultless?
10/4/2004 If you end up skipping the extra turn that is gained, you do not lose the game.
I have, and I double checked. According to current rulings; If you skip that specific turn, you do not lose the game.
You sacrifice your next turn (additional turn from last chance or final fortune) to charge magosi. Then tap magosi for free extra turn with no consequences.
'sigh' No edit comment... Ok, I want legacy... which in old school vocabulary is 1.5. Only a banned list, no restricted cards.
Format: 1.5 is that vinatage? No restricted cards. Budget: Anything is fine.
'applaudes' well done, also consider sylvan scryings for non basic land search, and lotus petals / elvish spirit guide for non land speed mana. +1
Valakut can damage opposing creatures if I need to defend against quick creature decks. Taiga and Stomp count as mountains, Map and Sylvan can grab Valakut. The deck can grab 24 Mountains, only 28 to grab. In the first 15 cards, you can grab 3 valakuts. You can grab 6 Mountains and expect to draw 5. Start hand is 7.5 cards. Therefore you can expect 1.5 Valakuts and 6 mountains or mountain grabbers in the starting hand. Since every turn you are playing way way more land, you can cast more spells. Therefore, by turn 3 or 4, multiple Valakuts will be stacking 3 damage burn for multiple mountains played each turn.
Curiosity: If I rate my deck, and add a comment; Does it improve its ranking, extending its listing time?
Well done, maybe a few Diabolic Intents for search and one more Cho-Manno to secure an early combo. A couple Emerias to bring back dead clerics? +1
Fun Deck, thank you for sharing. A couple "Songs of the Damned" might help. +1
Greetings and salutations all
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