The extra Sarkhan I can endorse, but I'm afraid the Impersonators are there to stay: I've found them to be extremely useful against Abzan Midrange; especially when I can copy an Elspeth.Thanks for the comment!
I'm a fan of the number three, evidently...
Blade felt a little slow for the direction I wanted to go, same with Kalastria Highborn; Blood Artist has a very similar effect that doesn't require any mana investment.This deck actually had Bloodghast (and Highborn, truthfully) in the beginning, but it was struggling to find a place among the one drops (Both of which have similar or better power and can chump-block if needed) and removal that I wanted. Depending on the deck your facing, I could see Ghast having a place in Sideboard. Recursion is nothing to ignore.Dismember kind of scares me, honestly, despite being extremely popular. I don't deny its effectiveness, but losing four life for simple removal sounds a little wooly to me.Tragic Slip, on the other hand, is something I've been seriously considering. I only added Disfigure out of habit, more than anything else. I loved that card during Zendikar Standard. I'll probably change it soon.
To be fair; I'm on the fence about it. I *usually* welcome it as graveyard fuel and deck thinning, but sometimes I really do want something else. Lands usually. So I'd say... 65% of the time I like it when I see it. I run enough Delve cards to feel like I get solid value from it.Do you have any suggestions?
Yay, I was helpful!Digging the update, definitely, and I understand your position on Beckon Apparition. The only thing I'm not sold on is Rancor, but I can't really think of much to replace it with, and it isn't a bad choice either. Maybe Call of the Conclave?
Not sure if you're implying he should add Raid Bombardment or not, but in case you are; it isn't standard legal.That being said; Krenko, like others have already said, isn't relevant enough in this deck, and I don't Odric doing too much either. I find it odd also that you don't have Midnight Haunting in the main deck. Really, I'd lose red and, if you really want to splash another colour, splash green; because of all the token fun Selesnya has now.
A Dragon-Ramp deck without Dragonstorm? What heresy is this?
Very fluid deck; everyone curves in just right and they're never a dead card. I adore Burning-Tree Shaman; free creatures are always a good idea, especially when you can cast them with one type of colour mana, and get two in return.My only critique is to switch Volcanic Fury for something else; maybe Madcap Skills (No toughness boost, but higher power and less deck dependent evasion) or Furor of the Bitten. (Cheaper, same boost, with a drawback that's void in aggro)
Ten lands, not ten mana; learn your terms.
Definitely needs more Clone.
Um... The Blade isn't legal anymore, and neither are the Child of the Nights.Other than than, its a solid Rakdos Vamp deck, and should make you happy. I'd replace the illegal Children with Interlopers.
Kill the Soulsworn for Dungeon Geists. Aside from that, your deck seems to win through creatures, so Supreme Verdict can hurt you just as much as your opponent, so I'd think about killing them and maindeck your Dissipates.
... Why Titanic Growth? Especially when you already have Giant in the deck. I'd lose the Titanics, max out the Giants and use the last card spot for more Paladins.
Not to be a jerk; but mana rocks almost always have a place; especially ones that can turn a colourless mana only land like Moorland Haunt into a Birds of Paradise. I run two of them in my own Azorius Spirit deck, and its never a dead card. You can easily take out two lands and replace them with the lanterns; giving yourself the coverage you need without sacrificing your spells. Besides; 24 lands is a little excessive here anyway, considering you don't have anything that requires that much mana except Reaver, and you only have one of him.
I agree; Lingering Souls' flashback, while not mandatory, can be critical. I suggest Chromatic Lantern; not too expensive and extremely versatile.
No Lotleth Troll? And the lack of removal seems odd too; Abrupt Decay is one of the best we've had in a long time.
Using banned/restricted along with over-hyped cards to make up for innovation and theory crafting. Pass.
That's true, actually. I use Disfigure, Urge to Feed, Grasp of Shadows, etc, for that purpose alone. And a combat trick never hurts. Have fun with your deck mate, its 200 likes well deserved. ^_^
There's really not much I can say that hasn't been said already. (Geez that's a lot of comments. X3) But I can still offer my complete support for the deck; Voldaren's a pseudo Memnarch, Snapcaster is a natural fit with all your keen spells, and you have a fabulous balance of creatures, lands, and spells geared to ruin your opponent's plans. The only thing I'm not completely sold on is Augur Spree really; I haven't played it myself, but as a kill-spell its a little expensive, even with Electromancer on the field. Maybe Tragic Slip?
I find it rather funny that I make a spirit deck, in the same colours, and the very next deck is yours.
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