i could and i probably will, i have been busy with college so i'm still play testing it on breaks. it probably wont hurt to drop most things to 3 and get 3 snakes in there to give me 6 death touch
not a bad little start, have you looked at putting in a SB for it? +1
your welcome and i shall check it out
This is the red/white version of my 1 mana curve deck, I saw alot of people post on the gruul version so I posted this one although the sideboard isn't full yet.
i will post my white red for you soon that way people can look at both and not mixing 4 colors
that actually looks like what im building in the white red 1 mana curve deck.
i read over the dragon mantle is the read a pay effect/pump effect? i will add it into sideboard for now till i get confirmation then might try to squeeze it in mb if so
i added him in sideboard for time being need to run some play tests with him before i commit to the ticking time bomb
im thinking about keeping it more red green for this go around, i have another 1 mana curve deck idea with the white in it to come
i will look into it.
I have played a few board wipe type decks, although its frustrating watching tokens and your field go bye bye to anger of the gods and the assorted bounce out there most the time in my area they wipe the board to soon so i rebuild pretty quick. I did however have one matchup against a gruul land removal deck that really tested my deck i couldn't get rid of xenagos and 3 ember swallowers hit monstrous i dropped that game then came back to win the match 2-1 with my sideboard in the next two games. So to answer your questions, yes i have played against board wipe and so far i've been lucky enough to burn them down before they could stall me out. But i will keep yall updated on what it runs against and how it fairs. If you have any ideas for a good challenge deck by all means send me a list and I will sit down with the team and build it and play test it.
ok so now that i caught up on the reading I made a few changes- dropped the hunt the hunter for weapon surge. Ty for that recommendation, also dropped experiment one and picked up glad cover scout for the hex proof aspect of it, this may change yet again once I find a better suited 1 drop green or red but seeing all the control going on it might stay for a while.
the only reason he was in there is i had a play set and couldnt really come up with another 1 drop off the top of my head.
why dont i exchange the hunt the hunter with weapon surge?
i like coordinated assault combo with akroan crusader, that combo has saved me a few times. I will have to look into what you said but this deck was just an idea bc people always say i can't run a deck with only 1 mana starting hand.
If you enjoyed this simple little deck and want something more serious, check out my standard tournament deck listed below. http://www.mtgvault.com/cornbread88/decks/burnaggro-with-gruul-sb/
have you looked at putting any of these into your SB: purphoros, god of the forge, anger of the gods, legion loyalist or burning-tree emissary. I think anger of the gods would go great with the boros reckoners, swing a 3/3 then burn them 3 more for each on the field. well if you get a chance, stop on by and take a look at my aggro deck it might give you some ideas for new combos to try.http://www.mtgvault.com/cornbread88/decks/burnaggro-with-gruul-sb/
needs a alot of cheap burn a few cheap trigger creatures to stall out and block for the plains-walkers and its good to go
so far it is 12-0 in tournament play best of 3 format
you need to make yourself a good sideboard that gives you a better shot against what your deck falls to.
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