Furnace of Rath + Opalescence + Mirrorweave = Death!
10 creatures in play:
1 damage = 1,024 Damage
3 Damage = 3,072 Damage
20 Creatures in Play:
1 Damage = 1,048,576 Damage
3 Damage = 3,145,728 Damage
50 Creatures in Play: (not likely but just for the pure damage im listing it for fun :D)
1 Damage = 1,125,899,906,842,620 Damage!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3 Damage = 3,377,699,720,527,870 Damage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So 1 Lightning bolt will do with 50 creatures in play over 3.3 quadrillion Damage
100 Creatures turns a lightning Bolt into
3,802,951,800,684,690,000,000g,000,000,000+ Damage or 3.8 nonillion Damage (never gonna happen but het it is possible) ((also had to Google what 30 zero's after a number was called :D))