I honestly was just trying to think of a clever name. Thanks!
Saproling Migration for early or late game. Works with a lot of the other cards you already have. Also Viscera Seer for a sac outlet? This would trigger Slimefoot or Golgari Germination.
You might want some card draw in the deck to edge against fast draws that may occur. Also an evolving wilds or 2 may be preferable to those duals. Say 2 Wilds for 2 Ruins.
I really like the deck. It's something a beginner who picked up the B/G Planeswalker deck could work towards. You have two themes going on, I would try to focus them a little more. Add: Ruthless Sniper x1, Splendid Agony x2, Archfiend of Ifnir x2, Horror of the Broken Lands x3Remove: Festering Mummy x1, Collective Brutality x1, Hapatra's Mark x1, Decimator Beetle x2, Unburden x3Your discard creatures also give -1/-1 counters but can do it more over time. Agony may not be as good as Brutality but the counters stay on and is instant speed. Horror is cheaper to cycle than Unburden which you could still play in the Sideboard if you wanted.Sideboard:Add: Scarab Feast x3 & Dissenter's Deliverance x2Remove: Stinging Shot x3 & Bonds of Mortality x2Both adds can cycle which is on theme and will take care of threats that are common in Standard. Flyers and Gods aren't prevalent in Standard which makes the cards to remove EXTREMELY situational.
There doesn't seem to be an efficient way to cheat in Bone Picker.
Thanks! I like Collective Defiance more as a 4 drop. It's a sorcery but it gives me more options and I want my curve low to play multiple spells in a turn.
I would switch the Return for Radiant Flames. You should be able to consistently cast them for 3 colors.
And I agree with that, but in my build I have 3.
I see it as 3 mana wasted in a turn where the format is aggressive and not getting full value on a card is not efficient.
The artifact would be in your hand if the opponent chooses to not take the damage. Second trigger would fizzle since the artifact that triggered it is no longer in the graveyard. If the opponent chooses to take the damage off the first trigger then the second trigger would activate. If this would be the case the opponent would most likely choose to send the card to your hand off the first making the second Revolution pointless.
Thanks. Multiple Revolutions on the board won't trigger though. The Courier sounds good for card draw though.
I think Always Watching would be great flavor for the theme of your deck and would try to fit it in the main. Maybe 2 of for the Bishop? And switch him in against control where you need card advantage?
I put some Grasp in the main board to compete with B/G Aggro.
It's still a good idea though. They will multiply on your next turn so you could still flood the board. You could even main board a few Intervention to protect them.
Sounds like that kid needs to take the stick out of his...It's a game and social forum, he needs to get over himself.
I agree, especially with Rite out they can tap for the additional mana. You might want to go down 1 Rite and up 1 Authority since multiple Rite's won't do anything.
I think 1 or 2 Evolving Wilds would help fix your mana in game. Just a suggestion.
Thanks! He may work out better since I won't have to tap more artifacts for improvise. Plus, the unblockable ability is nice.
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Looks pretty good. It looks a little creature heavy, maybe main deck a few Transgress to help remove threats before they show up.YOU GOT THIS REPLY BECAUSE OF THE VAULTHELP TAG. PLEASE TAKE YOUR TIME NOW AND COMMENT ON A DECK OF A FELLOW VAULTHELP MEMBER AND COPY/PASTE THIS MESSAGE TO THE END OF YOUR POST
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