Essentially uses Gifts to find efficient, quality spells, rather than the iona/rites package or anything like that. This is really just a control deck that has a bunch of similar one-of's in order to exploit the card advantage power of Gifts Ungiven.
Rather than playing the usual, Unburial Rites/Iona plan, this deck is essentially a control deck that uses Gifts Ungiven as a card advantage engine. It uses Gifts to find efficient spells, and ensures that you get them with creatures like Eternal Witness and Snapcaster Mage (sometimes your opponent gives you 2/1 bodies in addition to the spells!).
A removal pile might look like this: Witness, Path to Exile, Condemn, Bant Charm.
A countermagic pile might be: Witness, Snapcaster, Mana Leak, Cryptic Command.
When you get there, the end game package is usually: Sun titan, Reveillark, Eternal Witness, and Phantasmal Image (if you already have one of these in hand, I usually add Restoration Angel to the pile in place of it). Depending on what your opponent gives you, Sun titan and/or Reveillark bring back the Witnesses and Snapcasters in your graveyard (by this point in the game, you've probably accumulated at least a few) and you end up getting a bunch of creatures in play and a bunch of spells in hand to protect them. Blink and copy them with Angel and Image, respectively, to really start to apply pressure.
Once you get your Sun Titan/Reveillark chain into play, a great way to protect it while you beatdown is with the 7-mana soft-lockdown created by Eternal Witness and Cryptic Command: play Cryptic with Witness in play, bounce Witness and either tap or counter (depending on what your opponent is trying to do). Next turn, play Witness, get back Cryptic, and repeat the process (all while attacking with your Sun Titan, Reveillark, Angel, Image etc).
Gifts Ungiven allows us to play a really diverse, 1-of heavy sideboard but still have access to all of it as soon as you have 4 mana.
-For Artifacts and Enchantments, we have Nature's Claim, Disenchant, and Seal of Primordium (which Sun Titan can recur!)
-Control matchups: we have negate, and dispel
-Aggro: we have Day, Supreme Verdict, and Wrath
-Burn: Lone Missionary + the main deck life gain
-Land-based strategies: Life From The Loam, Ghost Quarter, Tectonic Edge package