Here are some that I know about (sticking with W/B)-Golden Urn-Gold-Forged SentinelIf you want to add green-Snake of the Golden Grove-Goldenhide Ox
This deck might actually fit the description as the so-called "meanest" deck, at least in Theros Block. Amazing.
If you want, put Axebane Guardian in to provide mana for the Colossus.
2 HIred Torturer4 Trestle Troll3 Wall of Frost4 Ogre JailbreakerAlso 1 or 2 Colossus of Akros, if you're feeling up to it
I personally think that it would be pretty hard to get all of that devotion, but the abilities would compensate for it.
Amazing. Might cause some budget issues to build, though.+1 like
This does not meet the Microdeck expectations, as you have 7 rares and 4 mythics. You are killing the rules.
I see your point. I have a zombie deck with a much higher curve, so I use them.
Where is the Rooftop Storm??!!?? Every (good) zombie deck needs at least 2!!!!!!!!!!
I don't understand.
I LIKE HYDRAS! (have you seen the new ones in Journey to Nyx?)
sounds like a well-balanced burn deck. Good choice.
Mogis in Magic, and Ephara in real life.
That's stupid
There are already Cunning Sparkmages to do that, but I see your point.
The only thing I could suggest is to get out more small, early-game creatures. I would personally recommend Goblin Arsonist, as he can untap Deep-Slumber if you play him later in the game.
I personally like the idea of building a defense with walls and regenerate to give time for your other spells. I think that you should go with that. I would take out the barbarians and Joven as well as some of the artifact destruction spells. You also might want to substitute Ridgeline Raider for Wall of Fire or Wall of Opposition, or if you don't want Walls, use Molten Ravager or Storm Shaman.
Wow. This is the highest-priced Standard deck I've seen.
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