This deck is exactly my kind of jank, nice one. What's the idea behind shape anew? If you're counting on hitting a blightsteel colossus, I feel like it would be pretty rare.
Heartless summoning makes the casting cost = 0
Consider any of :mox opalkuldotha pheonixdispense justicenevinyrral's diskdarksteel forgemirrorworks
Perhaps you could use chained to the rocks instead of banishing light? Or a combination if both(eg 2 chains 1 light) so you can still bag other permanents
This could easily be standard if you dropped edge of divinity for ethereal armour, and replaced sorin with something
This is kinda cool. Do you play with it?What i want to know is, is 4 naturalize necessary? You could drop one for something funny like a saphire drake or an elusive krasis (assuming you're using simic only cards)
Thanks a bunch! It plays pretty ok
If you just change primal vigour to doubling season, this deck would be modern legal?
Gatekeeper of malakir comes down as CMC 3 if you kick him, so I don't think it's too badYou're right about nightmare though, probably a waste in modern
What are your thoughts on Xenagos, god of revels? Instead of domri
Your rakdos return is now a 2/2 bird
For the purpose of gods I like fade more, I wouldn't have to wait for it to become a creature. However trample would not go amiss, so I'll give it some thought
That's pretty rough! I'm not running blue, but thanks for introducing me to the card ^_^
I think i liked it better when it was called christmas aggro
No you're right, though I simply forgot it's wording ^_^;I'm glad though, now i have room for something else :)
Get some voracious wurm up in this business
In case I need more - it targets a creature (activating heroic) and protects it from a spell that targets it. Swan song is good to counter board wipes and such, but gods willing and brave the elements act as removal protection *and* trigger heroic, you see?I do like wear // tear more than ray, though.
Surprisingly dirty
Probably a good call. I like solemn offering better because it can target artifacts, however ray of dissolution is an instant. I'm torn
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