have you considered wreath of geists? its great and very underused. Other than that, sideboarding tech against control and something to guard against ground seal. Can you take a look at my deck? http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=391670c I'm mixing Zombies with Exalted. . . .
Can you take a look at my deck? http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=391670c I'm mixing Zombies with Exalted. . . .
http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=391670 Combo based deck the mixes Zombie and Exalted
This is a great deck in and of itself, it think the burn is a little unnecessary. Meta being what it, aggro is really good by itself, and if it ain't broke don't fix it. Take out the burn stuff and put some more aggro stuff in.
You seem really good, I can't think of any critiques. I was wondering if you could take a look at a deck I'm trying to get off the ground. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=359986
Everyone here seems really good, I can't think of any critiques. I was wondering if you could take a look at a deck I'm trying to get off the ground. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=359986
Your Deck was a real inspiration. You seem to know what you're doing, could you have a look at a deck I put together http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=358496
Yea, I was going to say the same thing as Kenny. Other than that your deck seems to be pretty good. You seem to know what you're doing, could you have a look at a deck I put together http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=358496
This deck is pretty good. Ask your-self, "what's your win condition?" Other than just biding time till you get a planeswalker and a whole bunch of creatures, you can't really deal 20 points of solid damage. If you have some time, I would love some input on a Commander Deck I built, Thanks! http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=341052
I agree on the suggestions made by rcwraspy, especially Overrun, but not so much Titania's Chosen. All in all, this is a really well put together deck. I would love your feedback on an Overrun Commander Deck I'm working on: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=341052 . Thanks!
You really don't need four Jace's Erasures. Take it down to two, MAYBE three, and add something new. Glimpse the Unthinkable if you can afford it. Other than that, Memory Sluice, Mind Funeral, and Tome Scour come to mind. But this is really a solid deck. I would appreciate it if you took a look at a Commander Deck I'm building: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=341052 thanks!
I would question why standardize is in your deck if all creatures are zombies? Besides that, I think all Zombie-mill decks should have Cellar door in them. That gets you two monsters with the price of one. But this is a really good deck all around. You seem to know your stuff; can you take a look at my deck? http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=341052
In my opinion, I see two possible issues with this deck. First, it's an amazing deck, it has to be for $300-$500. If you don't already have these cards, there are cheaper cards that do the same kind of thing. Second, I don't think there enough mana to effectively play the three snapcasters. Take one, maybe two out, and put in some new creature. Dreamborn Muse, Scriviner, and Mnemonic Wall spring to mind. If you're really feeling gutsy I would love to see my opponent pull out Chancellor of the Spires on me.