Mill is always one of my pet projects. I have to say, you're missing the poster child: Glimpse The Unthinkable. There is just no better costed mill spell outside of Archive Trap. Which should also be played depending on your meta.Also, Traumatize isn't the best. Aside from it being really slow, by the time it comes out the opponent has milled enough that it wont hit as many cards as you'd expect.
I suppose this deck would be legacy/casual; my play group doesn't impose legality, and I don't really play at tournaments. That being said, if I went Modern what would you replace her for? She's such great utility.
Thanks for the reply!I like goblin bushwhacker! The kicker is easier, and I can pump my creatures even if I don't need the haste. Ya, I'll definitely use him. Though, I'm worried the RR makes the Burning-Tree combo falter Stormbreath Dragon is quite nice, and I could easily take out Polukranos for him. Luckily, my meta doesn't have path to exile to worry about. More terminate and bolt. Thrun holds up better there, but the flying and built in haste is quite tempting. I'll try one anyway if only for the monstrosity effectInferno titan is an interesting idea. He could replace Atarka since he comes out faster and still clears the board. I'll have to play around with him sometime. Only reason I like Atarka or Bogardan Hellkite is the flying. I've got a lot of creatures in my meta... Still, Titan can at least get a bolt off if he's terminated. I'll keep him in mind.Bonfire of the damned doesn't really work for me, as I have to deal with counters in my meta. Banefire is much safer there. Mizzium Mortars is a good idea for a world effect. I'll definitely sideboard that.As for chandra, I'm not super sold on it. The RR is harder to make here then GG, and Garruk, Primal hunter makes permanent blockers and draws too.It dawns on me, I should add my meta to the description... I'll do that.
I can try and help. If you want good card draw, you can do better than mentor of the meek. You're playing black, AND humans, so Dark confidant is almost a guaranteed 4 of. If money is an issue, pain seer is an okay substitute. If you're trying to make a lot of tokens, Sorin, Lord of Innistrad or Sorin, Solemn Visitor are ideas. If the token path becomes less ideal, Elspeth, Knight-Errant is still good for cheap blockers or pumpers. Try testing an intangible virtue, it can pump your human AND zombie tokens. Precinct captain is a good human, he's cheap has first strike, and makes tokens.Skirsdag High Priest is really good. He's a human, makes a nice big fatty, and if you find a way to play sacrifices (Which black should do somehow, like cabal therapy) you can activate easy.You MAY want to rethink cemetery reaper. He's good for pumping zombies yes, but you won't have too many with this deck.Sadly, I don't play black humans. You may get some inspiration from one of my decks though.
Gavony Township would fit quite well here. It, mixed with hardened scales, would work quite well with the +1/+1 counter motif you've got going on. Also, since you're playing counters, Dromoka's command would be a nice fit. It gives +1/+1 counters, and since your creatures will be quite big, it acts as a kill spell too.
Krosan grip is very good, stops his curse catchers too But, at three mana I may as well use oblivion ring. Sure, its not an instant and is counterable. but, it hits creatures too. I think I'll just use pridemage. 2 or 3 non humans isn't going to be a problem for the champion of the parish
Yeah, I agree. I'll try running three of her; see how it handles. Her first strike will be nice. Only problem is the merfolk. My merfolk friend doesn't play removal with it, or at least no more than 4 cards. They big problem is his spreading seas to make his guys unblockable. I was thinking Qasali Pridemage to be a okay body with exalted, and to kill his spreading seas or aether vials. Only problem, is he isn't a human. That's why I sideboarded sundering growth and dromoka's command. Can you think of anything better than those?
Thanks for the comment!I love the idea of cavern of souls. It and mutavault could easily replace the gavony townships. I never thought of aegis of the gods before, but he would be great for stopping my friend's thoughtsieze's. Imposing sovereign is a neat idea, I should try her out sometime. Replacing the pilgrims with aether vial is also a good move (I actually thought about copying the idea from my friend's merfolk deck. I definitely want a second elspeth, but inst three thalia a bit too many? Her legendary status makes extra kinda dead weight. She does have a bulls-eye on hear head though. I love the ideas, but I'm not entirely sure I should remove both the mayors AND the accorder at the same time. The lordship and battle cry help me outpace my friend's merfolk well. If it helps at all, the meta I'm facing is merfolk, jund, storm, and red/black aggro.
Since you're playing ferocious, Crater's Claws might be better than wild slash. Red doesn't need to hold mana open during an opponents turn, so the tap X might be a nice finisher.
Inquisition, or thoughtseize, or something is probably a good idea. I agree completely on the PRO vs RE, but remember even black controls have SOME measure of board control. The Damnation is more of a "last turn" kinda thing, pardon the yugioh pun. To be used only when I'm boned and need to wipe the slate to last one more turn. Still, Still, I should include inquisition somehow; it is a staple. As for Ashiok, I'm on the fence. She is slow, but offers wonderful blockers. That being said, I can always block with the crab or snap caster in a pinch... Hrmm, I could test with it out.
I like the creatures you've mentioned here. I agree with mayor of avabruk and thalia , and intended for them to be side boarded if I ever got around to making it. Experiment One is an excellent replacement for servant of the scale; I overlooked it. So far however, the black is only splashed for Anafenza and ascendency. As per Burger's request, this was not meant to be a tri-color control deck, but a green white... thing. So while sin collecter and orzhov pontiff are great, they don't fit here. most of the idea is to poop counters as hardened scales doubles the counters. Tis' the reason we're hard pressed to remove dramoka's command. It becomes a perminant +2/+2 and a kill spell. While I like collected company's speed in pooping out important creatures, secure the wastes doesn't much help as lord ship/token spam isn't the name of the game. The walker is slow, and I agree it could come out, but it does work if needed. Aside from the permanent +2/+2 per turn, the double strike kills. But yeah, a honor of the pure or something could work just as well. Or even a lord. Anafenza 2.0 was mostly for me actually; wanted to see how it ran. "meh" was the answer, and I don't fear her going away.
Yes, I plan to swap out circu for it. If i exile their non basic lands with surgical extraction, he and mind funeral will be a beast!
I'm on the fence myself. I love it as a finisher, but the colorless mana hurt me a bit. I need to test it more.
Things pretty awesome; runs really well too. If i had to give input, maybe cut down to 15 lands? You barely need any, and it would help your draws.
Seeing as the Kaldra equiptments are Legendary, you don't need 4 of each. My idea is to take out 2 of each piece and run dumb little 0 drop artifacts like Ornithopter and then use Tinker. Just sac the stupid 0 drop and put a kaldra piece right on the board! While doing this with a Blightsteel Colossus is better, it works the same with Kaldra. Also, Stoneforge Mystic and Puresteel Palladin would work wonders for this, respectivly they put the equiptments from your hand onto the field and equipt them for free. Kaldra token equipts for free, but a piece could be on something else to buy time.
Wow, you're right about friggin' everything. I kinda like Flame Javelin because it can hit-and usually kill-anything, I'll give the Rift Bolt a Chance since it is faster.
how do you have every GB legendary i've ever heard of and it STILL only costs 100 !?!? 0_0
Trailblazer's Boots.
Thanks for the comment. I actually was planning on using Honor of the pure or something like that, but I removed them in favor of the Mayors. I use a lot of green creatures, so they would be ignored by honor. The O-ring and banishing strokes are good ideas, and I will def side board the ring, but I can't ignore the benefit of only tapping 1 for dissmember. I play a lot of 3 mana drops, so I wanna make sure ive enough mana to be able to play at least 2 spells a turn. I've found that when I can do that, my opponents can't keep up. Still, Banishing's Miracle might do the trick...
This is a cool deck! Sigarda and wolfir are kinda slow, but if you pop them they're a bomb! Why do you use champion of lambholt; you don't make any tokens to abuse her effect?
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